Emily Wisnioski
Chief Investigator
Australian National University
I'm a ASTRO-3D Chief Invesigator at the Research School for Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia. I received my PhD from Swinburne University of Technology in 2012. My PhD advisor was Karl Glazebrook. My research endeavours to discover new evolutionary trends for galaxies over 80% of the lifetime of our Universe by bringing together results from new data as well as ongoing and past dynamics surveys to connect to galaxies such as our Milky Way that we can study in great detail. By uniting kinematic data across epochs (e.g. Hector/SAMI, MAGPI, KMOS3D) I aim to define and measure the processes that maintain star-forming galaxies in a chemical, morphological and dynamical equilibrium state. In parallel my other projects (e.g. K3LARS) push out comprehensive multi-wavelength studies to early times in order to fully characterise galaxies just 1-2 Gyrs after the Big Bang. This research connects to ‘first galaxy’ observations and simulations being conducted across Australia and with an eye towards taking full advantage of future facilities (e.g. JWST, GMT). While my own approach is based in observations, I believe progress is often best made through collaboration of theory and observation.