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Aleo, P. D., Malanchev, K., Sharief, S., Jones, D. O., Narayan, G., Foley, R. J., Villar, V. A., Angus, C. R., Baldassare, V. F., Bustamante-Rosell, M. J., Chatterjee, D., Cold, C., Coulter, D. A., Davis, K. W., Dhawan, S., Drout, M. R., Engel, A., French, K. D., Gagliano, A., Gall, C., Hjorth, J., Huber, M. E., Jacobson-Galán, W. V., Kilpatrick, C. D., Langeroodi, D., Macias, P., Mandel, K. S., Margutti, R., Matasić, F., McGill, P., Pierel, J. D. R., Ramirez-Ruiz, E., Ransome, C. L., Rojas-Bravo, C., Siebert, M. R., Smith, K. W., de Soto, K. M., Stroh, M. C., Tinyanont, S., Taggart, K., Ward, S. M., Wojtak, R., Auchettl, K., Blanchard, P. K., de Boer, T. J. L., Boyd, B. M., Carroll, C. M., Chambers, K. C., DeMarchi, L., Dimitriadis, G., and 38 colleagues (2023) "The Young Supernova Experiment Data Release 1 (YSE DR1): Light Curves and Photometric Classification of 1975 Supernovae", The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 266, 9.
Almeida, A., Anderson, S. F., Argudo-Fernández, M., Badenes, C., Barger, K., Barrera-Ballesteros, J. K., Bender, C. F., Benitez, E., Besser, F., Bird, J. C., Bizyaev, D., Blanton, M. R., Bochanski, J., Bovy, J., Brandt, W. N., Brownstein, J. R., Buchner, J., Bulbul, E., Burchett, J. N., Cano Díaz, M., Carlberg, J. K., Casey, A. R., Chandra, V., Cherinka, B., Chiappini, C., Coker, A. A., Comparat, J., Conroy, C., Contardo, G., Cortes, A., Covey, K., Crane, J. D., Cunha, K., Dabbieri, C., Davidson, J. W., Davis, M. C., de Andrade Queiroz, A. B., De Lee, N., Méndez Delgado, J. E., Demasi, S., Di Mille, F., Donor, J., Dow, P., Dwelly, T., Eracleous, M., Eriksen, J., Fan, X., Farr, E., Frederick, S., Fries, L., and 105 colleagues (2023) "The Eighteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: Targeting and First Spectra from SDSS-V", The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 267, 44.
Alvarez-Hurtado, P., Barrera-Ballesteros, J. K., Sánchez, S. F., Colombo, D., López-Sánchez, A. R., Aquino-Ortíz, E. (2023) "Erratum: "Which Galaxy Property is the Best Gauge of the Oxygen Abundance?" (2022, ApJ, 929, 47)", The Astrophysical Journal, 945, 169.
An, T., Wang, A., Liu, Y., Sotnikova, Y., Zhang, Y., Aditya, J. N. H. S., Jaiswal, S., Khorunzhev, G., Lao, B., Lin, R., Mikhailov, A., Mingaliev, M., Mufakharov, T., Sazonov, S. (2023) "Is the X-ray bright z = 5.5 quasar SRGE J170245.3+130104 a blazar?", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519, 4047.
Andreoni, I., Coughlin, M. W., Perley, D. A., Yao, Y., Lu, W., Cenko, S. B., Kumar, H., Anand, S., Ho, A. Y. Q., Kasliwal, M. M., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Sagués-Carracedo, A., Schulze, S., Kann, D. A., Kulkarni, S. R., Sollerman, J., Tanvir, N., Rest, A., Izzo, L., Somalwar, J. J., Kaplan, D. L., Ahumada, T., Anupama, G. C., Auchettl, K., Barway, S., Bellm, E. C., Bhalerao, V., Bloom, J. S., Bremer, M., Bulla, M., Burns, E., Campana, S., Chandra, P., Charalampopoulos, P., Cooke, J., D'Elia, V., Das, K. K., Dobie, D., Agüí Fernández, J. F., Freeburn, J., Fremling, C., Gezari, S., Goode, S., Graham, M. J., Hammerstein, E., Karambelkar, V. R., Kilpatrick, C. D., Kool, E. C., Krips, M., Laher, R. R., and 31 colleagues (2023) "Publisher Correction: A very luminous jet from the disruption of a star by a massive black hole", Nature, 613, E6.
Andrianjafy, J. C., Heeralall-Issur, N., Deshpande, A. A., Golap, K., Woudt, P., Caleb, M., Barr, E. D., Chen, W., Jankowski, F., Kramer, M., Stappers, B. W., Wu, J. (2023) "Image plane detection of FRB121102 with the MeerKAT radio telescope", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518, 3462.
Appel, S. M., Burkhart, B., Semenov, V. A., Federrath, C., Rosen, A. L., Tan, J. C. (2023) "What Sets the Star Formation Rate of Molecular Clouds? The Density Distribution as a Fingerprint of Compression and Expansion Rates", The Astrophysical Journal, 954, 93.
Arabsalmani, M., Garratt-Smithson, L., Wijers, N., Schaye, J., Burkert, A., Lagos, C. D. P., Le Floc'h, E., Obreschkow, D., Peroux, C., Schneider, B. (2023) "A Comprehensive Study on the Relation between the Metal Enrichment of Ionized and Atomic Gas in Star-forming Galaxies", The Astrophysical Journal, 952, 67.
Armstrong, P., Qu, H., Brout, D., Davis, T. M., Kessler, R., Kim, A. G., Lidman, C., Sako, M., Tucker, B. E. (2023) "Probing the consistency of cosmological contours for supernova cosmology", Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 40, e038.
Armus, L., Lai, T., U, V., Larson, K. L., Diaz-Santos, T., Evans, A. S., Malkan, M. A., Rich, J., Medling, A. M., Law, D. R., Inami, H., Muller-Sanchez, F., Charmandaris, V., van der Werf, P., Stierwalt, S., Linden, S., Privon, G. C., Barcos-Muñoz, L., Hayward, C., Song, Y., Appleton, P., Aalto, S., Bohn, T., Böker, T., Brown, M. J. I., Finnerty, L., Howell, J., Iwasawa, K., Kemper, F., Marshall, J., Mazzarella, J. M., McKinney, J., Murphy, E. J., Sanders, D., Surace, J. (2023) "GOALS-JWST: Mid-infrared Spectroscopy of the Nucleus of NGC 7469", The Astrophysical Journal, 942, L37.
Baan, W. A., Aditya, J. N. H. S., An, T., Klöckner, H.-R. (2023) "The OH Megamaser emission in Arp 220: the rest of the story", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523, 5487.
Bagge, R. S., Foster, C., Battisti, A., Bellstedt, S., Mun, M., Harborne, K., Barsanti, S., Mendel, T., Brough, S., Croom, S. M., Lagos, C. D. P., Mukherjee, T., Peng, Y., Remus, R.-S., Santucci, G., Sharda, P., Thater, S., van de Sande, J., Valenzuela, L. M., Wisnioski, E., Zafar, T., Ziegler, B. (2023) "The MAGPI survey: Drivers of kinematic asymmetries in the ionised gas of z ∼ 0.3 star-forming galaxies", Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 40, e060.
Bakx, T. J. L. C., Zavala, J. A., Mitsuhashi, I., Treu, T., Fontana, A., Tadaki, K.-. ichi ., Casey, C. M., Castellano, M., Glazebrook, K., Hagimoto, M., Ikeda, R., Jones, T., Leethochawalit, N., Mason, C., Morishita, T., Nanayakkara, T., Pentericci, L., Roberts-Borsani, G., Santini, P., Serjeant, S., Tamura, Y., Trenti, M., Vanzella, E. (2023) "Deep ALMA redshift search of a z ∼ 12 GLASS-JWST galaxy candidate", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519, 5076.
Balu, S., Greig, B., Qiu, Y., Power, C., Qin, Y., Mutch, S., Wyithe, J. S. B. (2023) "Thermal and reionization history within a large-volume semi-analytic galaxy formation simulation", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520, 3368.
Balu, S., Greig, B., Wyithe, J. S. B. (2023) "Fisher matrix forecasts on the astrophysics of galaxies during the epoch of reionization from the 21-cm power spectra", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525, 3032.
Banks, K. A., Ho, C. Y. Y., Martell, S. L., Buder, S., Stello, D., Sharma, S., Priest, J., Gonneau, A., Hawkins, K. (2023) "CN and CO features: key indicators of red giant evolutionary phase in moderate-resolution X-shooter spectra", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523, L80.
Barnes, A. T., Watkins, E. J., Meidt, S. E., Kreckel, K., Sormani, M. C., Treß, R. G., Glover, S. C. O., Bigiel, F., Chandar, R., Emsellem, E., Lee, J. C., Leroy, A. K., Sandstrom, K. M., Schinnerer, E., Rosolowsky, E., Belfiore, F., Blanc, G. A., Boquien, M., Brok, J. den ., Cao, Y., Chevance, M., Dale, D. A., Egorov, O. V., Eibensteiner, C., Grasha, K., Groves, B., Hassani, H., Henshaw, J. D., Jeffreson, S., Jiménez-Donaire, M. J., Keller, B. W., Klessen, R. S., Koch, E. W., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Larson, K. L., Li, J., Liu, D., Lopez, L. A., Murphy, E. J., Neumann, L., Pety, J., Pinna, F., Querejeta, M., Renaud, F., Saito, T., Sarbadhicary, S. K., Sardone, A., Smith, R. J., Stuber, S. K., Sun, J., and 4 colleagues (2023) "PHANGS-JWST First Results: Multiwavelength View of Feedback-driven Bubbles (the Phantom Voids) across NGC 628", The Astrophysical Journal, 944, L22.
Barsanti, S., Colless, M., D'Eugenio, F., Oh, S., Bryant, J. J., Casura, S., Croom, S. M., Mai, Y., Ristea, A., van de Sande, J., Welker, C., Zovaro, H. R. M. (2023) "The SAMI galaxy survey: impact of black hole activity on galaxy spin-filament alignments", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526, 1613.
Battino, U., Lederer-Woods, C., Pignatari, M., Soós, B., Lugaro, M., Vescovi, D., Cristallo, S., Woods, P. J., Karakas, A. (2023) "Impact of newly measured 26Al(n, p)26Mg and 26Al(n, α)23Na reaction rates on the nucleosynthesis of 26Al in stars", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520, 2436.
Bayer, D., Chatterjee, S., Koopmans, L. V. E., Vegetti, S., McKean, J. P., Treu, T., Fassnacht, C. D., Glazebrook, K. (2023) "Probing sub-galactic mass structure with the power spectrum of surface-brightness anomalies in high-resolution observations of galaxy-galaxy strong gravitational lenses. II. Observational constraints on the subgalactic matter power spectrum", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523, 1310.
Bayer, D., Koopmans, L. V. E., McKean, J. P., Vegetti, S., Treu, T., Fassnacht, C. D., Glazebrook, K. (2023) "Probing sub-galactic mass structure with the power spectrum of surface-brightness anomalies in high-resolution observations of galaxy-galaxy strong gravitational lenses - I. Power-spectrum measurement and feasibility study", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523, 1326.
Beattie, J. R., Federrath, C., Kriel, N., Mocz, P., Seta, A. (2023) "Growth or Decay - I: universality of the turbulent dynamo saturation", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 524, 3201.
Belfiore, F., Leroy, A. K., Sun, J., Barnes, A. T., Boquien, M., Cao, Y., Congiu, E., Dale, D. A., Egorov, O. V., Eibensteiner, C., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Groves, B., Klessen, R. S., Kreckel, K., Neumann, L., Querejeta, M., Sanchez-Blazquez, P., Schinnerer, E., Williams, T. G. (2023) "Calibration of hybrid resolved star formation rate recipes based on PHANGS-MUSE Hα and Hβ maps", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 670, A67.
Beltz-Mohrmann, G. D., Szewciw, A. O., Berlind, A. A., Sinha, M. (2023) "Toward Accurate Modeling of Galaxy Clustering on Small Scales: Halo Model Extensions and Lingering Tension", The Astrophysical Journal, 948, 100.
Bergamini, P., Acebron, A., Grillo, C., Rosati, P., Caminha, G. B., Mercurio, A., Vanzella, E., Mason, C., Treu, T., Angora, G., Brammer, G. B., Meneghetti, M., Nonino, M., Boyett, K., Bradač, M., Castellano, M., Fontana, A., Morishita, T., Paris, D., Prieto-Lyon, G., Roberts-Borsani, G., Roy, N., Santini, P., Vulcani, B., Wang, X., Yang, L. (2023) "The GLASS-JWST Early Release Science Program. III. Strong-lensing Model of Abell 2744 and Its Infalling Regions", The Astrophysical Journal, 952, 84.
Bhandari, S., Gordon, A. C., Scott, D. R., Marnoch, L., Sridhar, N., Kumar, P., James, C. W., Qiu, H., Bannister, K. W., T. Deller, A., Eftekhari, T., Fong, W.-. fai ., Glowacki, M., Prochaska, J. X., Ryder, S. D., Shannon, R. M., Simha, S. (2023) "A Nonrepeating Fast Radio Burst in a Dwarf Host Galaxy", The Astrophysical Journal, 948, 67.
Bischetti, M., Fiore, F., Feruglio, C., D'Odorico, V., Arav, N., Costa, T., Zubovas, K., Becker, G., Bosman, S. E. I., Cupani, G., Davies, R., Eilers, A.-C., Farina, E. P., Ferrara, A., Gaspari, M., Mazzucchelli, C., Onoue, M., Piconcelli, E., Zanchettin, M. V., Zhu, Y. (2023) "The Fraction and Kinematics of Broad Absorption Line Quasars across Cosmic Time", The Astrophysical Journal, 952, 44.
Bland-Hawthorn, J., Tepper-Garcia, T., Agertz, O., Freeman, K. (2023) "The Rapid Onset of Stellar Bars in the Baryon-dominated Centers of Disk Galaxies", The Astrophysical Journal, 947, 80.
Bohn, T., Inami, H., Diaz-Santos, T., Armus, L., Linden, S. T., U, V., Surace, J., Larson, K. L., Evans, A. S., Hoshioka, S., Lai, T., Song, Y., Mazzarella, J. M., Barcos-Munoz, L., Charmandaris, V., Howell, J. H., Medling, A. M., Privon, G. C., Rich, J. A., Stierwalt, S., Aalto, S., Böker, T., Brown, M. J. I., Iwasawa, K., Malkan, M. A., van der Werf, P. P., Appleton, P., Hayward, C. C., Kemper, F., Law, D., Marshall, J., Murphy, E. J., Sanders, D. (2023) "GOALS-JWST: NIRCam and MIRI Imaging of the Circumnuclear Starburst Ring in NGC 7469", The Astrophysical Journal, 942, L36.
Bowles, M., Tang, H., Vardoulaki, E., Alexander, E. L., Luo, Y., Rudnick, L., Walmsley, M., Porter, F., Scaife, A. M. M., Slijepcevic, I. V., Adams, E. A. K., Drabent, A., Dugdale, T., Gürkan, G., Hopkins, A. M., Jimenez-Andrade, E. F., Leahy, D. A., Norris, R. P., Rahman, S. F. ur ., Ouyang, X., Segal, G., Shabala, S. S., Wong, O. I. (2023) "Radio galaxy zoo EMU: towards a semantic radio galaxy morphology taxonomy", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 522, 2584.
Bradley, L. D., Coe, D., Brammer, G., Furtak, L. J., Larson, R. L., Kokorev, V., Andrade-Santos, F., Bhatawdekar, R., Bradač, M., Broadhurst, T., Carnall, A., Conselice, C. J., Diego, J. M., Frye, B., Fujimoto, S., Hsiao, T. Y.-Y., Hutchison, T. A., Jung, I., Mahler, G., McCandliss, S., Oguri, M., Postman, M., Sharon, K., Trenti, M., Vanzella, E., Welch, B., Windhorst, R. A., Zitrin, A. (2023) "High-redshift Galaxy Candidates at z = 9-10 as Revealed by JWST Observations of WHL0137-08", The Astrophysical Journal, 955, 13.
Bravo, M., Robotham, A. S. G., Lagos, C. del P., Davies, L. J. M., Bellstedt, S., Thorne, J. E. (2023) "Galaxy quenching time-scales from a forensic reconstruction of their colour evolution", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 522, 4481.
Brogan, R., Krumpe, M., Homan, D., Urrutia, T., Granzer, T., Husemann, B., Neumann, J., Gaspari, M., Vaughan, S. P., Croom, S. M., Combes, F., Pérez Torres, M., Coil, A., McElroy, R., Winkel, N., Singha, M. (2023) "Still alive and kicking: A significant outburst in changing-look AGN Mrk 1018", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 677, A116.
Brown, T., Roberts, I. D., Thorp, M., Ellison, S. L., Zabel, N., Wilson, C. D., Bahé, Y. M., Bisaria, D., Bolatto, A. D., Boselli, A., Chung, A., Cortese, L., Catinella, B., Davis, T. A., Jiménez-Donaire, M. J., Lagos, C. D. P., Lee, B., Parker, L. C., Smith, R., Spekkens, K., Stevens, A. R. H., Villanueva, V., Watts, A. B. (2023) "VERTICO. VII. Environmental Quenching Caused by the Suppression of Molecular Gas Content and Star Formation Efficiency in Virgo Cluster Galaxies", The Astrophysical Journal, 956, 37.
Bunker, A. J., Saxena, A., Cameron, A. J., Willott, C. J., Curtis-Lake, E., Jakobsen, P., Carniani, S., Smit, R., Maiolino, R., Witstok, J., Curti, M., D'Eugenio, F., Jones, G. C., Ferruit, P., Arribas, S., Charlot, S., Chevallard, J., Giardino, G., de Graaff, A., Looser, T. J., Lützgendorf, N., Maseda, M. V., Rawle, T., Rix, H.-W., Del Pino, B. R., Alberts, S., Egami, E., Eisenstein, D. J., Endsley, R., Hainline, K., Hausen, R., Johnson, B. D., Rieke, G., Rieke, M., Robertson, B. E., Shivaei, I., Stark, D. P., Sun, F., Tacchella, S., Tang, M., Williams, C. C., Willmer, C. N. A., Baker, W. M., Baum, S., Bhatawdekar, R., Bowler, R., Boyett, K., Chen, Z., Circosta, C., Helton, J. M., and 13 colleagues (2023) "JADES NIRSpec Spectroscopy of GN-z11: Lyman-α emission and possible enhanced nitrogen abundance in a z = 10.60 luminous galaxy", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 677, A88.
Buzzo, M. L., Forbes, D. A., Brodie, J. P., Janssens, S. R., Couch, W. J., Romanowsky, A. J., Gannon, J. S. (2023) "The large-scale structure of globular clusters in the NGC 1052 group", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 522, 595.
Byrne, Z., Drinkwater, M. J., Baumgardt, H., Blyth, D., Côté, P., Lüetzgendorf, N., Spengler, C., Ferrarese, L., Mahajan, S., Pfeffer, J., Sweet, S. (2023) "Supermassive black holes in a mass-limited galaxy sample", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526, 1095.
Caleb, M., Driessen, L. N., Gordon, A. C., Tejos, N., Bernales, L., Qiu, H., Chibueze, J. O., Stappers, B. W., Rajwade, K. M., Cavallaro, F., Wang, Y., Kumar, P., Majid, W. A., Wharton, R. S., Naudet, C. J., Bezuidenhout, M. C., Jankowski, F., Malenta, M., Morello, V., Sanidas, S., Surnis, M. P., Barr, E. D., Chen, W., Kramer, M., Fong, W., Kilpatrick, C. D., Prochaska, J. X., Simha, S., Venter, C., Heywood, I., Kundu, A., Schussler, F. (2023) "A subarcsec localized fast radio burst with a significant host galaxy dispersion measure contribution", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 524, 2064.
Cameron, A. J., Saxena, A., Bunker, A. J., D'Eugenio, F., Carniani, S., Maiolino, R., Curtis-Lake, E., Ferruit, P., Jakobsen, P., Arribas, S., Bonaventura, N., Charlot, S., Chevallard, J., Curti, M., Looser, T. J., Maseda, M. V., Rawle, T., Rodríguez Del Pino, B., Smit, R., Übler, H., Willott, C., Witstok, J., Egami, E., Eisenstein, D. J., Johnson, B. D., Hainline, K., Rieke, M., Robertson, B. E., Stark, D. P., Tacchella, S., Williams, C. C., Willmer, C. N. A., Bhatawdekar, R., Bowler, R., Boyett, K., Circosta, C., Helton, J. M., Jones, G. C., Kumari, N., Ji, Z., Nelson, E., Parlanti, E., Sandles, L., Scholtz, J., Sun, F. (2023) "JADES: Probing interstellar medium conditions at z ∼ 5.5-9.5 with ultra-deep JWST/NIRSpec spectroscopy", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 677, A115.
Cantat-Gaudin, T., Fouesneau, M., Rix, H.-W., Brown, A. G. A., Castro-Ginard, A., Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z., Drimmel, R., Hogg, D. W., Casey, A. R., Khanna, S., Oh, S., Price-Whelan, A. M., Belokurov, V., Saydjari, A. K., Green, G. (2023) "An empirical model of the Gaia DR3 selection function", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 669, A55.
Carleton, T., Cohen, S. H., Frye, B. L., Pigarelli, A., Zhang, J., Windhorst, R. A., Diego, J. M., Conselice, C. J., Cheng, C., Driver, S. P., Foo, N., Bhatawdekar, R. A., Kamieneski, P., Jansen, R. A., Yan, H., Summers, J., Robotham, A. S. G., Willmer, C. N. A., Koekemoer, A. M., Tompkins, S., Coe, D., Grogin, N. A., Marshall, M. A., Nonino, M., Pirzkal, N., Ryan, R. E. (2023) "PEARLS: Low Stellar Density Galaxies in the El Gordo Cluster Observed with JWST", The Astrophysical Journal, 953, 83.
Castellano, M., Fontana, A., Treu, T., Merlin, E., Santini, P., Bergamini, P., Grillo, C., Rosati, P., Acebron, A., Leethochawalit, N., Paris, D., Bonchi, A., Belfiori, D., Calabrò, A., Correnti, M., Nonino, M., Polenta, G., Trenti, M., Boyett, K., Brammer, G., Broadhurst, T., Caminha, G. B., Chen, W., Filippenko, A. V., Fortuni, F., Glazebrook, K., Mascia, S., Mason, C. A., Menci, N., Meneghetti, M., Mercurio, A., Metha, B., Morishita, T., Nanayakkara, T., Pentericci, L., Roberts-Borsani, G., Roy, N., Vanzella, E., Vulcani, B., Yang, L., Wang, X. (2023) "Early Results from GLASS-JWST. XIX. A High Density of Bright Galaxies at z ≈ 10 in the A2744 Region", The Astrophysical Journal, 948, L14.
Castro-Ginard, A., Brown, A. G. A., Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z., Cantat-Gaudin, T., Drimmel, R., Oh, S., Belokurov, V., Casey, A. R., Fouesneau, M., Khanna, S., Price-Whelan, A. M., Rix, H.-W. (2023) "Estimating the selection function of Gaia DR3 subsamples", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 677, A37.
Catinella, B., Cortese, L., Tiley, A. L., Janowiecki, S., Watts, A. B., Bryant, J. J., Croom, S. M., d'Eugenio, F., van de Sande, J., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Fraser-McKelvie, A., Richards, S. N., Sweet, S. M., Pisano, D. J., Pingel, N., Koopmann, R. A., Cottrill, D., Hill, M. (2023) "SAMI-H I: The H I view of the Hα Tully-Fisher relation and data release", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519, 1098.
Chastenet, J., Sutter, J., Sandstrom, K., Belfiore, F., Egorov, O. V., Larson, K. L., Leroy, A. K., Liu, D., Rosolowsky, E., Thilker, D. A., Watkins, E. J., Williams, T. G., Barnes, A. T., Bigiel, F., Boquien, M., Chevance, M., Chiang, I.-D., Dale, D. A., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Emsellem, E., Grasha, K., Groves, B., Hassani, H., Hughes, A., Kreckel, K., Meidt, S. E., Rickards Vaught, R. J., Sardone, A., Schinnerer, E. (2023) "PHANGS-JWST First Results: Variations in PAH Fraction as a Function of ISM Phase and Metallicity", The Astrophysical Journal, 944, L11.
Chen, B., Hayden, M. R., Sharma, S., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Kobayashi, C., Karakas, A. I. (2023) "Chemical evolution with radial mixing redux: a detailed model for formation and evolution of the Milky Way", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523, 3791.
Chen, D., Kerai, V., Alger, M. J., Wong, O. I., Ong, C. S. (2023) "Radio Galaxy Zoo: Tagging radio subjects using text", Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 40, e051.
Chen, J., Ivison, R. J., Zwaan, M. A., Klitsch, A., Péroux, C., Lovell, C. C., Lagos, C. del P., Biggs, A. D., Bollo, V. (2023) "ALMACAL. XI. Over-densities as signposts for proto-clusters? A cautionary tale", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 675, L10.
Chen, J., Ivison, R. J., Zwaan, M. A., Smail, I., Klitsch, A., Péroux, C., Popping, G., Biggs, A. D., Szakacs, R., Hamanowicz, A., Lagos, C. (2023) "ALMACAL IX: Multiband ALMA survey for dusty star-forming galaxies and the resolved fractions of the cosmic infrared background", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518, 1378.
Chen, N. M., Tucker, M. A., Hoyer, N., Jha, S. W., Kwok, L. A., Leroy, A. K., Rosolowsky, E., Ashall, C., Anand, G., Bigiel, F., Boquien, M., Burns, C., Dale, D., DerKacy, J. M., Egorov, O. V., Galbany, L., Grasha, K., Hassani, H., Hoeflich, P., Hsiao, E., Klessen, R. S., Lopez, L. A., Lu, J., Morrell, N., Orellana, M., Pinna, F., Sarbadhicary, S. K., Schinnerer, E., Shahbandeh, M., Stritzinger, M., Thilker, D. A., Williams, T. G. (2023) "Serendipitous Nebular-phase JWST Imaging of SN Ia SN 2021aefx: Testing the Confinement of 56Co Decay Energy", The Astrophysical Journal, 944, L28.
Chen, Q.-H., Grasha, K., Battisti, A. J., Kewley, L. J., Madore, B. F., Seibert, M., Rich, J. A., Beaton, R. L. (2023) "Metallicity gradient of barred galaxies with TYPHOON", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519, 4801.
Cheng, C., Huang, J.-S., Smail, I., Yan, H., Cohen, S. H., Jansen, R. A., Windhorst, R. A., Ma, Z., Koekemoer, A., Willmer, C. N. A., Willner, S. P., Diego, J. M., Frye, B., Conselice, C. J., Ferreira, L., Petric, A., Yun, M., Gim, H. B., Polletta, M. del C., Duncan, K. J., Holwerda, B. W., Röttgering, H. J. A., Honor, R., Hathi, N. P., Kamieneski, P. S., Adams, N. J., Coe, D., Broadhurst, T., Summers, J., Tompkins, S., Driver, S. P., Grogin, N. A., Marshall, M. A., Pirzkal, N., Robotham, A., Ryan, R. E. (2023) "JWST's PEARLS: A JWST/NIRCam View of ALMA Sources", The Astrophysical Journal, 942, L19.
Cinquegrana, G. C., Joyce, M., Karakas, A. I. (2023) "Bridging the gap between intermediate and massive stars II: Mmas for the most metal-rich stars and implications for Fe CCSNe rates", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525, 3216.
Congiu, E., Blanc, G. A., Belfiore, F., Santoro, F., Scheuermann, F., Kreckel, K., Emsellem, E., Groves, B., Pan, H.-A., Bigiel, F., Dale, D. A., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Egorov, O. V., Leroy, A., Schinnerer, E., Watkins, E. J., Williams, T. G. (2023) "PHANGS-MUSE: Detection and Bayesian classification of 40 000 ionised nebulae in nearby spiral galaxies", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 672, A148.
Corcho-Caballero, P., Ascasibar, Y., Cortese, L., Sánchez, S. F., López-Sánchez, Á. R., Fraser-McKelvie, A., Zafar, T. (2023) "Ageing and quenching through the Ageing Diagram - II. Physical characterization of galaxies", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 524, 3692.
Corcho-Caballero, P., Ascasibar, Y., Sánchez, S. F., López-Sánchez, Á. R. (2023) "Ageing and quenching through the ageing diagram: predictions from simulations and observational constraints", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520, 193.
Courtois, H. M., Said, K., Mould, J., Jarrett, T. H., Pomarède, D., Westmeier, T., Staveley-Smith, L., Dupuy, A., Hong, T., Guinet, D., Howlett, C., Deg, N., For, B.-Q., Kleiner, D., Koribalski, B., Lee-Waddell, K., Rhee, J., Spekkens, K., Wang, J., Wong, O. I., Bigiel, F., Bosma, A., Colless, M., Davis, T., Holwerda, B., Karachentsev, I., Kraan-Korteweg, R. C., McQuinn, K. B. W., Meurer, G., Obreschkow, D., Taylor, E. (2023) "WALLABY pre-pilot and pilot survey: The Tully Fisher relation in Eridanus, Hydra, Norma, and NGC4636 fields", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519, 4589.
Curtis-Lake, E., Carniani, S., Cameron, A., Charlot, S., Jakobsen, P., Maiolino, R., Bunker, A., Witstok, J., Smit, R., Chevallard, J., Willott, C., Ferruit, P., Arribas, S., Bonaventura, N., Curti, M., D'Eugenio, F., Franx, M., Giardino, G., Looser, T. J., Lützgendorf, N., Maseda, M. V., Rawle, T., Rix, H.-W., Rodríguez del Pino, B., Übler, H., Sirianni, M., Dressler, A., Egami, E., Eisenstein, D. J., Endsley, R., Hainline, K., Hausen, R., Johnson, B. D., Rieke, M., Robertson, B., Shivaei, I., Stark, D. P., Tacchella, S., Williams, C. C., Willmer, C. N. A., Bhatawdekar, R., Bowler, R., Boyett, K., Chen, Z., de Graaff, A., Helton, J. M., Hviding, R. E., Jones, G. C., Kumari, N., Lyu, J., and 9 colleagues (2023) "Spectroscopic confirmation of four metal-poor galaxies at z = 10.3-13.2", Nature Astronomy, 7, 622.
D'Eugenio, F., van der Wel, A., Derkenne, C., van Houdt, J., Bezanson, R., Taylor, E. N., van de Sande, J., Baker, W. M., Bell, E. F., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Bluck, A. F. L., Brough, S., Bryant, J. J., Colless, M., Cortese, L., Croom, S. M., van Dokkum, P., Fisher, D., Foster, C., Fraser-McKelvie, A., Gallazzi, A., de Graaff, A., Groves, B., del P. Lagos, C., Looser, T. J., Maiolino, R., Maseda, M., Mendel, J. T., Nersesian, A., Pacifici, C., Piotrowska, J. M., Poci, A., Remus, R.-S., Sharma, G., Sweet, S. M., Thater, S., Tran, K.-V., Übler, H., Valenzuela, L. M., Wisnioski, E., Zibetti, S. (2023) "Different higher order kinematics between star-forming and quiescent galaxies based on the SAMI, MAGPI, and LEGA-C surveys", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525, 2765.
D'Eugenio, F., van der Wel, A., Piotrowska, J. M., Bezanson, R., Taylor, E. N., van de Sande, J., Baker, W. M., Bell, E. F., Bellstedt, S., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Bluck, A. F. L., Brough, S., Bryant, J. J., Colless, M., Cortese, L., Croom, S. M., Derkenne, C., van Dokkum, P., Fisher, D., Foster, C., Gallazzi, A., de Graaff, A., Groves, B., van Houdt, J., del P. Lagos, C., Looser, T. J., Maiolino, R., Maseda, M., Mendel, J. T., Nersesian, A., Pacifici, C., Poci, A., Remus, R.-S., Sweet, S. M., Thater, S., Tran, K.-V., Übler, H., Valenzuela, L. M., Wisnioski, E., Zibetti, S. (2023) "Evolution in the orbital structure of quiescent galaxies from MAGPI, LEGA-C, and SAMI surveys: direct evidence for merger-driven growth over the last 7 Gyr", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525, 2789.
D'Odorico, V., Bañados, E., Becker, G. D., Bischetti, M., Bosman, S. E. I., Cupani, G., Davies, R., Farina, E. P., Ferrara, A., Feruglio, C., Mazzucchelli, C., Ryan-Weber, E., Schindler, J.-T., Sodini, A., Venemans, B. P., Walter, F., Chen, H., Lai, S., Zhu, Y., Bian, F., Campo, S., Carniani, S., Cristiani, S., Davies, F., Decarli, R., Drake, A., Eilers, A.-C., Fan, X., Gaikwad, P., Gallerani, S., Greig, B., Haehnelt, M. G., Hennawi, J., Keating, L., Kulkarni, G., Mesinger, A., Meyer, R. A., Neeleman, M., Onoue, M., Pallottini, A., Qin, Y., Rojas-Ruiz, S., Satyavolu, S., Sebastian, A., Tripodi, R., Wang, F., Wolfson, M., Yang, J., Zanchettin, M. V. (2023) "XQR-30: The ultimate XSHOOTER quasar sample at the reionization epoch", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523, 1399.
D'Silva, J. C. J., Driver, S. P., Lagos, C. D. P., Robotham, A. S. G., Bellstedt, S., Davies, L. J. M., Thorne, J. E., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Bravo, M., Holwerda, B., Phillipps, S., Seymour, N., Siudek, M., Windhorst, R. A. (2023) "GAMA/DEVILS: cosmic star formation and AGN activity over 12.5 billion years", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 524, 1448.
D'Silva, J. C. J., Driver, S. P., Lagos, C. D. P., Robotham, A. S. G., Summers, J., Windhorst, R. A. (2023) "Star Formation and AGN Activity 500 Myr after the Big Bang: Insights from JWST", The Astrophysical Journal, 959, L18.
D'Silva, J. C. J., Lagos, C. D. P., Davies, L. J. M., Lovell, C. C., Vijayan, A. P. (2023) "Unveiling the main sequence of galaxies at z ≥ 5 with the JWST: predictions from simulations", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518, 456.
Da Costa, G. S., Bessell, M. S., Nordlander, T., Hughes, A. C. N., Buder, S., Mackey, A. D., Spitler, L. R., Zucker, D. B. (2023) "Spectroscopic follow-up of statistically selected extremely metal-poor star candidates from GALAH DR3", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520, 917.
Dale, D. A., Boquien, M., Barnes, A. T., Belfiore, F., Bigiel, F., Cao, Y., Chandar, R., Chastenet, J., Chevance, M., Deger, S., Egorov, O. V., Grasha, K., Groves, B., Hassani, H., Henny, K. F., Klessen, R. S., Kreckel, K., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Larson, K. L., Lee, J. C., Leroy, A. K., Liu, D., Murphy, E. J., Rosolowsky, E., Sandstrom, K., Schinnerer, E., Sutter, J., Thilker, D. A., Watkins, E. J., Whitmore, B. C., Williams, T. G. (2023) "PHANGS-JWST First Results: The Influence of Stellar Clusters on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Nearby Galaxies", The Astrophysical Journal, 944, L23.
Dalmasso, N., Trenti, M., Leethochawalit, N. (2024) "Galaxy clustering measurements out to redshift z ∼ 8 from Hubble Legacy Fields", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 528, 898.
Davies, J. E., Bird, S., Mutch, S., Ni, Y., Feng, Y., Croft, R., Matteo, T. D., Wyithe, J. S. B. (2023) "Computationally efficient reionization in a large hydrodynamic galaxy formation simulation", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525, 2553.
Davies, R. L., Ryan-Weber, E., D'Odorico, V., Bosman, S. E. I., Meyer, R. A., Becker, G. D., Cupani, G., Bischetti, M., Sebastian, A. M., Eilers, A.-C., Farina, E. P., Wang, F., Yang, J., Zhu, Y. (2023) "The XQR-30 metal absorber catalogue: 778 absorption systems spanning 2 ≲ z ≲ 6.5", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521, 289.
Davies, R. L., Ryan-Weber, E., D'Odorico, V., Bosman, S. E. I., Meyer, R. A., Becker, G. D., Cupani, G., Keating, L. C., Bischetti, M., Davies, F. B., Eilers, A.-C., Farina, E. P., Haehnelt, M. G., Pallottini, A., Zhu, Y. (2023) "Examining the decline in the C IV content of the Universe over 4.3 ≲ z ≲ 6.3 using the E-XQR-30 sample", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521, 314.
Davis, K. W., Taggart, K., Tinyanont, S., Foley, R. J., Villar, V. A., Izzo, L., Angus, C. R., Bustamante-Rosell, M. J., Coulter, D. A., Earl, N., Farias, D., Hjorth, J., Huber, M. E., Jones, D. O., Kelly, P. L., Kilpatrick, C. D., Langeroodi, D., Miao, H.-Y., Pellegrino, C. M., Ramirez-Ruiz, E., Ransome, C. L., Rest, S., Siebert, M. R., Terreran, G., Thornton, I. M., Yadavalli, S. K., Zeimann, G. R., Auchettl, K., Bom, C. R., Brink, T. G., Burke, J., Camacho-Neves, Y., Chambers, K. C., de Boer, T. J. L., DeMarchi, L., Filippenko, A. V., Galbany, L., Gall, C., Gao, H., Herpich, F. R., Howell, D. A., Jacobson-Galan, W. V., Jha, S. W., Kanaan, A., Khetan, N., Kwok, L. A., Lai, Z., Larison, C., Lin, C.-C., Loertscher, K. C., and 17 colleagues (2023) "SN 2022ann: a Type Icn supernova from a dwarf galaxy that reveals helium in its circumstellar environment", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523, 2530.
Deeley, S., Drinkwater, M. J., Sweet, S. M., Bekki, K., Couch, W. J., Forbes, D. A. (2023) "The formation pathways of compact elliptical galaxies", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525, 1192.
Deg, N., Palleske, R., Spekkens, K., Wang, J., Jarrett, T., English, J., Lin, X., Yeung, J., Mould, J. R., Catinella, B., Dénes, H., Elagali, A., For, B.-Q., Kamphuis, P., Koribalski, B. S., Lee-Waddell, K., Murugeshan, C., Oh, S., Rhee, J., Serra, P., Westmeier, T., Wong, O. I., Bekki, K., Bosma, A., Carignan, C., Holwerda, B. W., Yu, N. (2023) "WALLABY pilot survey: the potential polar ring galaxies NGC 4632 and NGC 6156", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525, 4663.
Derkenne, C., McDermid, R. M., Poci, A., Mendel, J. T., D'Eugenio, F., Jeon, S., Remus, R.-S., Bellstedt, S., Battisti, A. J., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Ferré-Mateu, A., Foster, C., Harborne, K. E., Lagos, C. D. P., Peng, Y., Sharda, P., Sharma, G., Sweet, S., Tran, K.-V. H., Valenzuela, L. M., Vaughan, S., Wisnioski, E., Yi, S. K. (2023) "The MAGPI Survey: impact of environment on the total internal mass distribution of galaxies in the last 5 Gyr", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 522, 3602.
Desmons, A., Brough, S., Martínez-Lombilla, C., De Propris, R., Holwerda, B., López-Sánchez, Á. R. (2023) "Galaxy and mass assembly (GAMA): comparing visually and spectroscopically identified galaxy merger samples", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523, 4381.
Dev, A., Driver, S. P., Meyer, M., Roychowdhury, S., Rhee, J., Stevens, A. R. H., Lagos, C. del P., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Catinella, B., Hopkins, A. M., Loveday, J., Obreschkow, D., Phillipps, S., Robotham, A. S. G. (2023) "Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): The group H I mass as a function of halo mass", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523, 2693.
Diego, J. M., Meena, A. K., Adams, N. J., Broadhurst, T., Dai, L., Coe, D., Frye, B., Kelly, P., Koekemoer, A. M., Pascale, M., Willner, S. P., Zackrisson, E., Zitrin, A., Windhorst, R. A., Cohen, S. H., Jansen, R. A., Summers, J., Tompkins, S., Conselice, C. J., Driver, S. P., Yan, H., Grogin, N., Marshall, M. A., Pirzkal, N., Robotham, A., Ryan, R. E., Willmer, C. N. A., Bradley, L. D., Caminha, G., Caputi, K., Carleton, T., Kamieneski, P. (2023) "JWST's PEARLS: A new lens model for ACT-CL J0102−4915, "El Gordo," and the first red supergiant star at cosmological distances discovered by JWST", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 672, A3.
Diego, J. M., Sun, B., Yan, H., Furtak, L. J., Zackrisson, E., Dai, L., Kelly, P., Nonino, M., Adams, N., Meena, A. K., Willner, S. P., Zitrin, A., Cohen, S. H., D'Silva, J. C. J., Jansen, R. A., Summers, J., Windhorst, R. A., Coe, D., Conselice, C. J., Driver, S. P., Frye, B., Grogin, N. A., Koekemoer, A. M., Marshall, M. A., Pirzkal, N., Robotham, A., Rutkowski, M. J., Ryan, R. E., Tompkins, S., Willmer, C. N. A., Bhatawdekar, R. (2023) "JWST's PEARLS: Mothra, a new kaiju star at z = 2.091 extremely magnified by MACS0416, and implications for dark matter models", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 679, A31.
Dobie, D., Pritchard, J., Wang, Y., Graham, L. W., Freeburn, J., Qiu, H., White, T. R., O'Brien, A., Lenc, E., Leung, J. K., Lynch, C., Murphy, T., Stewart, A. J., Wang, Z., Zic, A., Abbott, T. M. C., Cai, C., Cooke, J., Dobiecki, M., Goode, S., Jia, S., Li, C., Möller, A., Webb, S., Zhang, J., Zhang, S. N. (2023) "Radio transients and variables in the tenth Deeper, Wider, Faster observing run", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519, 4684.
Dodd, S. A., Nukala, A., Connor, I., Auchettl, K., French, K. D., Law-Smith, J. A. P., Hammerstein, E., Ramirez-Ruiz, E. (2023) "Mid-infrared Outbursts in Nearby Galaxies: Nuclear Obscuration and Connections to Hidden Tidal Disruption Events and Changing-look Active Galactic Nuclei", The Astrophysical Journal, 959, L19.
Dogruel, M. B., Taylor, E. N., Cluver, M., D'Eugenio, F., de Graaff, A., Colless, M., Sonnenfeld, A. (2023) "Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Stellar-to-dynamical Mass Relation. I. Constraining the Precision of Stellar Mass Estimates", The Astrophysical Journal, 953, 45.
Domínguez-Gómez, J., Lisenfeld, U., Pérez, I., López-Sánchez, Á. R., Duarte Puertas, S., Falcón-Barroso, J., Kreckel, K., Peletier, R. F., Ruiz-Lara, T., van de Weygaert, R., van der Hulst, J. M., Verley, S. (2023) "CO-CAVITY pilot survey: Molecular gas and star formation in void galaxies (Corrigendum)", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 670, C3.
Dondoglio, E., Milone, A. P., Marino, A. F., D'Antona, F., Cordoni, G., Legnardi, M. V., Lagioia, E. P., Jang, S., Ziliotto, T., Carlos, M., Dell'Agli, F., Karakas, A., Mohandasan, A., Osborn, Z., Tailo, M., Ventura, P. (2023) "A deep dive into the Type II globular cluster NGC 1851", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526, 2960.
Dressler, A., Vulcani, B., Treu, T., Rieke, M., Burns, C., Calabrò, A., Bonchi, A., Castellano, M., Fontana, A., Leethochawalit, N., Mason, C., Merlin, E., Morishita, T., Paris, D., Bradac, M., Mercurio, A., Nanayakkara, T., Poggianti, B. M., Santini, P., Wang, X., Misselt, K., Stark, D. P., Willmer, C. (2023) "Early Results from GLASS-JWST. XVII. Building the First Galaxies-Chapter 1. Star Formation Histories for 5 < z < 7 Galaxies", The Astrophysical Journal, 947, L27.
Drimmel, R., Khanna, S., D'Onghia, E., Tepper-García, T., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Chemin, L., Ripepi, V., Romero-Gómez, M., Ramos, P., Poggio, E., Andrae, R., Blomme, R., Cantat-Gaudin, T., Castro-Ginard, A., Clementini, G., Figueras, F., Fouesneau, M., Frémat, Y., Lobel, A., Marshall, D., Muraveva, T. (2023) "A new resonance-like feature in the outer disc of the Milky Way", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 670, A10.
Duncan, K. J., Windhorst, R. A., Koekemoer, A. M., Röttgering, H. J. A., Cohen, S. H., Jansen, R. A., Summers, J., Tompkins, S., Hutchison, T. A., Conselice, C. J., Driver, S. P., Yan, H., Adams, N. J., Cheng, C., Coe, D., Diego, J. M., Dole, H., Frye, B., Gim, H. B., Grogin, N. A., Holwerda, B. W., Lim, J., Marshall, M. A., Nonino, M., Pirzkal, N., Robotham, A., Ryan, R. E., Willmer, C. N. A. (2023) "JWST's PEARLS: TN J1338-1942 - I. Extreme jet-triggered star formation in a z = 4.11 luminous radio galaxy", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 522, 4548.
Durré, M., Mould, J., Brown, M., Reynolds, T. (2023) "Infrared spectroscopy of nearby radio active early-type galaxies - II: spectral atlas", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 524, 4923.
Ferrami, G., Wyithe, J. S. B. (2023) "Gravitational lensing modification of the high-redshift galaxy luminosity function", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523, L21.
Ferreira, L., Conselice, C. J., Sazonova, E., Ferrari, F., Caruana, J., Tohill, C.-B., Lucatelli, G., Adams, N., Irodotou, D., Marshall, M. A., Roper, W. J., Lovell, C. C., Verma, A., Austin, D., Trussler, J., Wilkins, S. M. (2023) "The JWST Hubble Sequence: The Rest-frame Optical Evolution of Galaxy Structure at 1.5 < z < 6.5", The Astrophysical Journal, 955, 94.
Ferré-Mateu, A., Gannon, J. S., Forbes, D. A., Buzzo, M. L., Romanowsky, A. J., Brodie, J. P. (2023) "The star formation histories of quiescent ultra-diffuse galaxies and their dependence on environment and globular cluster richness", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526, 4735.
Finkelstein, S. L., Bagley, M. B., Ferguson, H. C., Wilkins, S. M., Kartaltepe, J. S., Papovich, C., Yung, L. Y. A., Arrabal Haro, P., Behroozi, P., Dickinson, M., Kocevski, D. D., Koekemoer, A. M., Larson, R. L., Le Bail, A., Morales, A. M., Pérez-González, P. G., Burgarella, D., Davé, R., Hirschmann, M., Somerville, R. S., Wuyts, S., Bromm, V., Casey, C. M., Fontana, A., Fujimoto, S., Gardner, J. P., Giavalisco, M., Grazian, A., Grogin, N. A., Hathi, N. P., Hutchison, T. A., Jha, S. W., Jogee, S., Kewley, L. J., Kirkpatrick, A., Long, A. S., Lotz, J. M., Pentericci, L., Pierel, J. D. R., Pirzkal, N., Ravindranath, S., Ryan, R. E., Trump, J. R., Yang, G., Bhatawdekar, R., Bisigello, L., Buat, V., Calabrò, A., Castellano, M., Cleri, N. J., and 17 colleagues (2023) "CEERS Key Paper. I. An Early Look into the First 500 Myr of Galaxy Formation with JWST", The Astrophysical Journal, 946, L13.
Fluke, C. J., Vohl, D., Kilborn, V. A., Murugeshan, C. (2023) "Survey-scale discovery-based research processes: Evaluating a bespoke visualisation environment for astronomical survey data", Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 40, e035.
For, B.-Q., Spekkens, K., Staveley-Smith, L., Bekki, K., Karunakaran, A., Catinella, B., Koribalski, B. S., Lee-Waddell, K., Madrid, J. P., Murugeshan, C., Rhee, J., Westmeier, T., Wong, O. I., Zaritsky, D., Donnerstein, R. (2023) "WALLABY pre-pilot survey: ultra-diffuse galaxies in the Eridanus supergroup", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526, 3130.
Foran, G., Cooke, J., Reddy, N., Steidel, C., Shapley, A. (2023) "Lyman-α at cosmic noon I: Lyα spectral type selection of z ∼ 2 - 3 Lyman break galaxies with broadband imaging", Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 40, e052.
Forbes, J. C., Emami, R., Somerville, R. S., Genel, S., Nelson, D., Pillepich, A., Burkhart, B., Bryan, G. L., Krumholz, M. R., Hernquist, L., Tonnesen, S., Torrey, P., Pandya, V., Hayward, C. C. (2023) "Gas Accretion Can Drive Turbulence in Galaxies", The Astrophysical Journal, 948, 107.
Foster, C., Vaughan, S., Fraser-McKelvie, A., Brough, S., Bryant, J. J., Croom, S. M., D'Eugenio, F., Groves, B., Konstantopoulos, I. S., López-Sánchez, Á. R., Oh, S., Owers, M. S., Sweet, S. M., van de Sande, J., Wisnioski, E., Yi, S. K., Zovaro, H. R. M. (2023) "The SAMI survey: evidence for dynamical coupling of ionized gas and young stellar populations", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521, 84.
Frias Castillo, M., Hodge, J., Rybak, M., van der Werf, P., Smail, I., Birkin, J. E., Chen, C.-C., Chapman, S. C., Hill, R., Lagos, C. del P., Liao, C.-L., da Cunha, E., Calistro Rivera, G., Chen, J., Jiménez-Andrade, E. F., Murphy, E. J., Scott, D., Swinbank, A. M., Walter, F., Ivison, R. J., Dannerbauer, H. (2023) "VLA Legacy Survey of Molecular Gas in Massive Star-forming Galaxies at High Redshift", The Astrophysical Journal, 945, 128.
Frye, B. L., Pascale, M., Foo, N., Leimbach, R., Garuda, N., Robles, P. S., Summers, J., Diaz, C., Kamieneski, P., Furtak, L. J., Cohen, S. H., Diego, J., Beauchesne, B., Windhorst, R. A., Willner, S. P., Koekemoer, A. M., Zitrin, A., Caminha, G., Caputi, K. I., Coe, D., Conselice, C. J., Dai, L., Dole, H., Driver, S. P., Grogin, N. A., Harrington, K., Jansen, R. A., Kneib, J.-P., Lehnert, M., Lowenthal, J., Marshall, M. A., Menanteau, F., Pampliega, B. A., Pirzkal, N., Polletta, M. del C., Richard, J., Robotham, A., Ryan, R. E., Rutkowski, M. J., Sifón, C., Tompkins, S., Wang, D., Yan, H., Yun, M. S. (2023) "The JWST PEARLS View of the El Gordo Galaxy Cluster and of the Structure It Magnifies", The Astrophysical Journal, 952, 81.
Gabányi, K. É., Belladitta, S., Frey, S., Orosz, G., Gurvits, L. I., Rozgonyi, K., An, T., Cao, H., Paragi, Z., Perger, K. (2023) "Very long baseline interferometry observations of the high-redshift blazar candidate J0141-5427", Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 40, e004.
Gaikwad, P., Haehnelt, M. G., Davies, F. B., Bosman, S. E. I., Molaro, M., Kulkarni, G., D'Odorico, V., Becker, G. D., Davies, R. L., Nasir, F., Bolton, J. S., Keating, L. C., Iršič, V., Puchwein, E., Zhu, Y., Asthana, S., Yang, J., Lai, S., Eilers, A.-C. (2023) "Measuring the photoionization rate, neutral fraction, and mean free path of H I ionizing photons at 4.9 ≤ z ≤ 6.0 from a large sample of XShooter and ESI spectra", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525, 4093.
Gannon, J. S., Buzzo, M. L., Ferré-Mateu, A., Forbes, D. A., Brodie, J. P., Romanowsky, A. J. (2023) "Keck spectroscopy of NGC 1052-DF9: stellar populations in the context of the NGC 1052 group", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 524, 2624.
Garcia, A. M., Torrey, P., Hemler, Z. S., Hernquist, L., Kewley, L. J., Nelson, E. J., Grasha, K., Zovaro, H. R. M., Chen, Q.-H. (2023) "Gas-phase metallicity break radii of star-forming galaxies in IllustrisTNG", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519, 4716.
Gerrard, I. A., Federrath, C., Pingel, N. M., McClure-Griffiths, N. M., Marchal, A., Joncas, G., Clark, S. E., Stanimirović, S., Lee, M.-Y., van Loon, J. T., Dickey, J., Dénes, H., Ma, Y. K., Dempsey, J., Lynn, C. (2023) "A new method for spatially resolving the turbulence-driving mixture in the ISM with application to the Small Magellanic Cloud", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526, 982.
Gkogkou, A., Béthermin, M., Lagache, G., Van Cuyck, M., Jullo, E., Aravena, M., Beelen, A., Benoit, A., Bounmy, J., Calvo, M., Catalano, A., Cora, S., Croton, D., de la Torre, S., Fasano, A., Ferrara, A., Goupy, J., Hoarau, C., Hu, W., Ishiyama, T., Knudsen, K. K., Lambert, J.-C., Macías-Pérez, J. F., Marpaud, J., Mellema, G., Monfardini, A., Pallottini, A., Ponthieu, N., Prada, F., Roehlly, Y., Vallini, L., Walter, F. (2023) "CONCERTO: Simulating the CO, [CII], and [CI] line emission of galaxies in a 117 deg2 field and the impact of field-to-field variance", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 670, A16.
Glazebrook, K., Nanayakkara, T., Jacobs, C., Leethochawalit, N., Calabrò, A., Bonchi, A., Castellano, M., Fontana, A., Mason, C., Merlin, E., Morishita, T., Paris, D., Trenti, M., Treu, T., Santini, P., Wang, X., Boyett, K., Bradac, M., Brammer, G., Jones, T., Marchesini, D., Nonino, M., Vulcani, B. (2023) "Early Results from GLASS-JWST. XV. Properties of the Faintest Red Sources in the NIRCAM Deep Fields", The Astrophysical Journal, 947, L25.
Glowacki, M., Lee-Waddell, K., Deller, A. T., Deg, N., Gordon, A. C., Grundy, J. A., Marnoch, L., Shen, A. X., Ryder, S. D., Shannon, R. M., Wong, O. I., Dénes, H., Koribalski, B. S., Murugeshan, C., Rhee, J., Westmeier, T., Bhandari, S., Bosma, A., Holwerda, B. W., Prochaska, J. X. (2023) "WALLABY Pilot Survey: H I in the Host Galaxy of a Fast Radio Burst", The Astrophysical Journal, 949, 25.
Gordon, A. C., Fong, W.-. fai ., Kilpatrick, C. D., Eftekhari, T., Leja, J., Prochaska, J. X., Nugent, A. E., Bhandari, S., Blanchard, P. K., Caleb, M., Day, C. K., Deller, A. T., Dong, Y., Glowacki, M., Gourdji, K., Mannings, A. G., Mahoney, E. K., Marnoch, L., Miller, A. A., Paterson, K., Rastinejad, J. C., Ryder, S. D., Sadler, E. M., Scott, D. R., Sears, H., Shannon, R. M., Simha, S., Stappers, B. W., Tejos, N. (2023) "The Demographics, Stellar Populations, and Star Formation Histories of Fast Radio Burst Host Galaxies: Implications for the Progenitors", The Astrophysical Journal, 954, 80.
Gould, K. M. L., Brammer, G., Valentino, F., Whitaker, K. E., Weaver, J. R., Lagos, C. del P., Rizzo, F., Franco, M., Hsieh, B.-C., Ilbert, O., Jin, S., Magdis, G., McCracken, H. J., Mobasher, B., Shuntov, M., Steinhardt, C. L., Strait, V., Toft, S. (2023) "COSMOS2020: Exploring the Dawn of Quenching for Massive Galaxies at 3 < z < 5 with a New Color-selection Method ", The Astronomical Journal, 165, 248.
Greig, B., Ting, Y.-S., Kaurov, A. A. (2023) "Detecting the non-Gaussianity of the 21-cm signal during reionization with the wavelet scattering transform", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519, 5288.
Grundy, J. A., Wong, O. I., Lee-Waddell, K., Seymour, N., For, B.-Q., Murugeshan, C., Koribalski, B. S., Madrid, J. P., Rhee, J., Westmeier, T. (2023) "WALLABY pre-pilot survey: Radio continuum properties of the Eridanus supergroup", Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 40, e012.
Guo, Y., Jogee, S., Finkelstein, S. L., Chen, Z., Wise, E., Bagley, M. B., Barro, G., Wuyts, S., Kocevski, D. D., Kartaltepe, J. S., McGrath, E. J., Ferguson, H. C., Mobasher, B., Giavalisco, M., Lucas, R. A., Zavala, J. A., Lotz, J. M., Grogin, N. A., Huertas-Company, M., Vega-Ferrero, J., Hathi, N. P., Arrabal Haro, P., Dickinson, M., Koekemoer, A. M., Papovich, C., Pirzkal, N., Yung, L. Y. A., Backhaus, B. E., Bell, E. F., Calabrò, A., Cleri, N. J., Coogan, R. T., Cooper, M. C., Costantin, L., Croton, D., Davis, K., Dekel, A., Franco, M., Gardner, J. P., Holwerda, B. W., Hutchison, T. A., Pandya, V., Pérez-González, P. G., Ravindranath, S., Rose, C., Trump, J. R., de la Vega, A., Wang, W. (2023) "First Look at z > 1 Bars in the Rest-frame Near-infrared with JWST Early CEERS Imaging", The Astrophysical Journal, 945, L10.
Gupta, A., Jaiswar, R., Rodriguez-Gomez, V., Forrest, B., Tran, K.-V., Nanayakkara, T., Harshan, A., da Cunha, E., Kacprzak, G. G., Hirschmann, M. (2023) "MOSEL Survey: JWST Reveals Major Mergers/strong Interactions Drive the Extreme Emission Lines in the Early Universe", The Astrophysical Journal, 957, L35.
Gupta, A., Tran, K.-V., Mendel, T., Harshan, A., Forrest, B., Davies, R. L., Wisnioski, E., Nanayakkara, T., Kacprzak, G. G., Kewley, L. J. (2023) "MOSEL survey: extremely weak outflows in EoR analogues at z = 3-4", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519, 980.
Hamanowicz, A., Zwaan, M. A., Péroux, C., Lagos, C. del P., Klitsch, A., Ivison, R. J., Biggs, A. D., Szakacs, R., Fresco, A. (2023) "ALMACAL VIII: a pilot survey for untargeted extragalactic CO emission lines in deep ALMA calibration data", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519, 34.
Hannon, S., Whitmore, B. C., Lee, J. C., Thilker, D. A., Deger, S., Huerta, E. A., Wei, W., Mobasher, B., Klessen, R., Boquien, M., Dale, D. A., Chevance, M., Grasha, K., Sanchez-Blazquez, P., Williams, T., Scheuermann, F., Groves, B., Kim, H., Kruijssen, J. M. D., The Phangs-HST Team (2023) "Star cluster classification using deep transfer learning with PHANGS-HST", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526, 2991.
Harborne, K. E., Serene, A., Davies, E. J. A., Derkenne, C., Vaughan, S., Burdon, A. I., Lagos, C. del P., McDermid, R., O'Toole, S., Power, C., Robotham, A. S. G., Santucci, G., Tobar, R. (2023) "SimSpin v2.6.0—constructing synthetic spectral IFU cubes for comparison with observational surveys", Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 40, e048.
Hardwick, J. A., Cortese, L., Obreschkow, D., Lagos, C., Stevens, A. R. H., Catinella, B., Garratt-Smithson, L. (2023) "Exploring the angular momentum - atomic gas content connection with EAGLE and IllustrisTNG", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526, 808.
Harshan, A., Tran, K.-V., Gupta, A., Kacprzak, G. G., Nanayakkara, T. (2023) "ZFIRE - The gas inflow inequality for satellite galaxies in cluster and field haloes at z = 2", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 522, 1556.
Hassani, H., Rosolowsky, E., Leroy, A. K., Boquien, M., Lee, J. C., Barnes, A. T., Belfiore, F., Bigiel, F., Cao, Y., Chevance, M., Dale, D. A., Egorov, O. V., Emsellem, E., Faesi, C. M., Grasha, K., Kim, J., Klessen, R. S., Kreckel, K., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Larson, K. L., Meidt, S. E., Sandstrom, K. M., Schinnerer, E., Thilker, D. A., Watkins, E. J., Whitmore, B. C., Williams, T. G. (2023) "PHANGS-JWST First Results: The 21 μm Compact Source Population", The Astrophysical Journal, 944, L21.
Heintz, K. E., Brammer, G. B., Giménez-Arteaga, C., Strait, V. B., del P. Lagos, C., Vijayan, A. P., Matthee, J., Watson, D., Mason, C. A., Hutter, A., Toft, S., Fynbo, J. P. U., Oesch, P. A. (2023) "Dilution of chemical enrichment in galaxies 600 Myr after the Big Bang", Nature Astronomy, 7, 1517.
Hejazi, N., Crossfield, I. J. M., Nordlander, T., Mansfield, M., Souto, D., Marfil, E., Coria, D. R., Brande, J., Polanski, A. S., Hand, J. E., Wienke, K. F. (2023) "Elemental Abundances of the Super-Neptune WASP-107b's Host Star Using High-resolution, Near-infrared Spectroscopy", The Astrophysical Journal, 949, 79.
Hew, J. K. J., Federrath, C. (2023) "Lagrangian statistics of a shock-driven turbulent dynamo in decaying turbulence", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520, 6268.
Hey, D. R., Huber, D., Shappee, B. J., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Tepper-García, T., Sanderson, R., Chakrabarti, S., Saunders, N., Hunt, J. A. S., Bedding, T. R., Tonry, J. (2023) "The Far Side of the Galactic Bar/Bulge Revealed through Semi-regular Variables", The Astronomical Journal, 166, 249.
Hinkle, J. T., Kochanek, C. S., Shappee, B. J., Vallely, P. J., Auchettl, K., Fausnaugh, M., Holoien, T. W.-S., Treiber, H. P., Payne, A. V., Gaudi, B. S., Stassun, K. G., Thompson, T. A., Tonry, J. L., Villanueva, S. (2023) "TESS shines light on the origin of the ambiguous nuclear transient ASASSN-18el", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521, 3517.
Hinkle, J. T., Tucker, M. A., Shappee, B. J., Holoien, T. W.-S., Vallely, P. J., de Jaeger, T., Auchettl, K., Aldering, G., Ashall, C., Desai, D. D., Do, A., Payne, A. V., Tonry, J. L. (2023) "SCAT uncovers ATLAS's first tidal disruption event ATLAS18mlw: a faint and fast TDE in a quiescent Balmer strong Galaxy", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519, 2035.
Ho, A. Y. Q., Perley, D. A., Chen, P., Schulze, S., Dhillon, V., Kumar, H., Suresh, A., Swain, V., Bremer, M., Smartt, S. J., Anderson, J. P., Anupama, G. C., Awiphan, S., Barway, S., Bellm, E. C., Ben-Ami, S., Bhalerao, V., de Boer, T., Brink, T. G., Burruss, R., Chandra, P., Chen, T.-W., Chen, W.-P., Cooke, J., Coughlin, M. W., Das, K. K., Drake, A. J., Filippenko, A. V., Freeburn, J., Fremling, C., Fulton, M. D., Gal-Yam, A., Galbany, L., Gao, H., Graham, M. J., Gromadzki, M., Gutiérrez, C. P., Hinds, K.-R., Inserra, C., A J, N., Karambelkar, V., Kasliwal, M. M., Kulkarni, S., Müller-Bravo, T. E., Magnier, E. A., Mahabal, A. A., Moore, T., Ngeow, C.-C., Nicholl, M., Ofek, E. O., and 27 colleagues (2023) "Minutes-duration optical flares with supernova luminosities", Nature, 623, 927.
Holland-Ashford, T., Slane, P., Lopez, L. A., Auchettl, K., Kashyap, V. (2023) "Estimating Ejecta Mass Ratios in Kepler's Supernova Remnant: Global X-Ray Spectral Analysis Including Suzaku Systematics and Emitting Volume Uncertainties", The Astrophysical Journal, 955, 77.
Holwerda, B. W., Bigiel, F., Bosma, A., Courtois, H. M., Deg, N., Dénes, H., Elagali, A., For, B.-Q., Koribalski, B., Leahy, D. A., Lee-Waddell, K., López-Sánchez, Á. R., Oh, S.-H., Reynolds, T. N., Rhee, J., Spekkens, K., Wang, J., Westmeier, T., Wong, O. I. (2023) "WALLABY Pilot Survey: hydra cluster galaxies UV and H I morphometrics", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521, 1502.
Hon, M., Huber, D., Rui, N. Z., Fuller, J., Veras, D., Kuszlewicz, J. S., Kochukhov, O., Stokholm, A., Rørsted, J. L., Yıldız, M., Orhan, Z. Ç., Örtel, S., Jiang, C., Hey, D. R., Isaacson, H., Zhang, J., Vrard, M., Stassun, K. G., Shappee, B. J., Tayar, J., Claytor, Z. R., Beard, C., Bedding, T. R., Brinkman, C., Campante, T. L., Chaplin, W. J., Chontos, A., Giacalone, S., Holcomb, R., Howard, A. W., Lubin, J., MacDougall, M., Montet, B. T., Murphy, J. M. A., Ong, J., Pidhorodetska, D., Polanski, A. S., Rice, M., Stello, D., Tyler, D., Van Zandt, J., Weiss, L. M. (2023) "A close-in giant planet escapes engulfment by its star", Nature, 618, 917.
Houston, T., Croton, D. J., Sinha, M. (2023) "Using the star-forming main sequence to explore quiescent galaxies across cosmic time", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 522, L11.
Hoyer, N., Pinna, F., Kamlah, A. W. H., Nogueras-Lara, F., Feldmeier-Krause, A., Neumayer, N., Sormani, M. C., Boquien, M., Emsellem, E., Seth, A. C., Klessen, R. S., Williams, T. G., Schinnerer, E., Barnes, A. T., Leroy, A. K., Bonoli, S., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Neumann, J., Sánchez-Blázquez, P., Dale, D. A., Watkins, E. J., Thilker, D. A., Rosolowsky, E., Bigiel, F., Grasha, K., Egorov, O. V., Liu, D., Sandstrom, K. M., Larson, K. L., Blanc, G. A., Hassani, H. (2023) "PHANGS-JWST First Results: A Combined HST and JWST Analysis of the Nuclear Star Cluster in NGC 628", The Astrophysical Journal, 944, L25.
Hsiao, T. Y.-Y., Coe, D., Abdurro'uf, Whitler, L., Jung, I., Khullar, G., Meena, A. K., Dayal, P., Barrow, K. S. S., Santos-Olmsted, L., Casselman, A., Vanzella, E., Nonino, M., Jiménez-Teja, Y., Oguri, M., Stark, D. P., Furtak, L. J., Zitrin, A., Adamo, A., Brammer, G., Bradley, L., Diego, J. M., Zackrisson, E., Finkelstein, S. L., Windhorst, R. A., Bhatawdekar, R., Hutchison, T. A., Broadhurst, T., Dimauro, P., Andrade-Santos, F., Eldridge, J. J., Acebron, A., Avila, R. J., Bayliss, M. B., Benítez, A., Binggeli, C., Bolan, P., Bradač, M., Carnall, A. C., Conselice, C. J., Donahue, M., Frye, B., Fujimoto, S., Henry, A., James, B. L., Kassin, S. A., Kewley, L., Larson, R. L., Lauer, T., Law, D., and 16 colleagues (2023) "JWST Reveals a Possible z ∼ 11 Galaxy Merger in Triply Lensed MACS0647–JD", The Astrophysical Journal, 949, L34.
Hu, W., Wang, Y., Li, Y., Xu, Y., Yang, W., Lagache, G., Pen, U.-L., Zheng, Z., Shu, S., Zheng, Y., Li, D., Ching, T.-C., Chen, X. (2023) "Detections of 21 cm absorption with a blind FAST survey at z ≤ 0.09", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 675, A40.
Hu, Z., Wibking, B. D., Krumholz, M. R. (2023) "The sub-critical illusion: synthetic Zeeman effect observations from galactic zoom-in simulations", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521, 5604.
Huang, R., Battisti, A. J., Grasha, K., da Cunha, E., Lagos, C. del P., Leslie, S. K., Wisnioski, E. (2023) "Exploring the intrinsic scatter of the star-forming galaxy main sequence at redshift 0.5 to 3.0", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520, 446.
Hurley-Walker, N., Rea, N., McSweeney, S. J., Meyers, B. W., Lenc, E., Heywood, I., Hyman, S. D., Men, Y. P., Clarke, T. E., Coti Zelati, F., Price, D. C., Horváth, C., Galvin, T. J., Anderson, G. E., Bahramian, A., Barr, E. D., Bhat, N. D. R., Caleb, M., Dall'Ora, M., de Martino, D., Giacintucci, S., Morgan, J. S., Rajwade, K. M., Stappers, B., Williams, A. (2023) "A long-period radio transient active for three decades", Nature, 619, 487.
Hutchens, Z. L., Kannappan, S. J., Berlind, A. A., Asad, M., Eckert, K. D., Stark, D. V., Carr, D. S., Castelloe, E. R., Baker, A. J., Hess, K. M., Moffett, A. J., Norris, M. A., Croton, D. (2023) "The RESOLVE and ECO Gas in Galaxy Groups Initiative: The Group Finder and the Group H I-Halo Mass Relation", The Astrophysical Journal, 956, 51.
Hygate, A. P. S., Hodge, J. A., da Cunha, E., Rybak, M., Schouws, S., Inami, H., Stefanon, M., Graziani, L., Schneider, R., Dayal, P., Bouwens, R. J., Smit, R., Bowler, R. A. A., Endsley, R., Gonzalez, V., Oesch, P. A., Stark, D. P., Algera, H. S. B., Aravena, M., Barrufet, L., Ferrara, A., Fudamoto, Y., Hilhorst, J. H. A., De Looze, I., Nanayakkara, T., Pallottini, A., Riechers, D. A., Sommovigo, L., Topping, M. W., van der Werf, P. (2023) "The ALMA REBELS Survey: discovery of a massive, highly star-forming, and morphologically complex ULIRG at z = 7.31", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 524, 1775.
Ikeda, R., Morishita, T., Tsukui, T., Vulcani, B., Trenti, M., Metha, B., Acebron, A., Bergamini, P., Grillo, C., Iono, D., Mercurio, A., Rosati, P., Vanzella, E. (2023) "Near-infrared characterization of ultra-diffuse galaxies in Abell 2744 by JWST/NIRISS imaging", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523, 6310.
Jacobs, C., Glazebrook, K., Calabrò, A., Treu, T., Nannayakkara, T., Jones, T., Merlin, E., Abraham, R., Stevens, A. R. H., Vulcani, B., Yang, L., Bonchi, A., Boyett, K., Bradač, M., Castellano, M., Fontana, A., Marchesini, D., Malkan, M., Mason, C., Morishita, T., Paris, D., Santini, P., Trenti, M., Wang, X. (2023) "Early Results from GLASS-JWST. XVIII. A First Morphological Atlas of the 1 < z < 5 Universe in the Rest-frame Optical", The Astrophysical Journal, 948, L13.
Jang, J. K., Yi, S. K., Dubois, Y., Rhee, J., Pichon, C., Kimm, T., Devriendt, J., Volonteri, M., Kaviraj, S., Peirani, S., Oh, S., Croom, S. (2023) "Translators of Galaxy Morphology Indicators between Observation and Simulation", The Astrophysical Journal, 950, 4.
Jankowski, F., Bezuidenhout, M. C., Caleb, M., Driessen, L. N., Malenta, M., Morello, V., Rajwade, K. M., Sanidas, S., Stappers, B. W., Surnis, M. P., Barr, E. D., Chen, W., Kramer, M., Wu, J., Buchner, S., Serylak, M., Prochaska, J. X. (2023) "A sample of fast radio bursts discovered and localized with MeerTRAP at the MeerKAT telescope", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 524, 4275.
Jeena, S. K., Banerjee, P., Chiaki, G., Heger, A. (2023) "Rapidly rotating massive Population III stars: a solution for high carbon enrichment in CEMP-no stars", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526, 4467.
Jermyn, A. S., Bauer, E. B., Schwab, J., Farmer, R., Ball, W. H., Bellinger, E. P., Dotter, A., Joyce, M., Marchant, P., Mombarg, J. S. G., Wolf, W. M., Sunny Wong, T. L., Cinquegrana, G. C., Farrell, E., Smolec, R., Thoul, A., Cantiello, M., Herwig, F., Toloza, O., Bildsten, L., Townsend, R. H. D., Timmes, F. X. (2023) "Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA): Time-dependent Convection, Energy Conservation, Automatic Differentiation, and Infrastructure", The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 265, 15.
Jiménez, E., Lagos, C. del P., Ludlow, A. D., Wisnioski, E. (2023) "The physical drivers of gas turbulence in simulated disc galaxies", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 524, 4346.
Jiménez-Donaire, M. J., Brown, T., Wilson, C. D., Roberts, I. D., Zabel, N., Ellison, S. L., Thorp, M., Villanueva, V., Chown, R., Bisaria, D., Bolatto, A. D., Boselli, A., Catinella, B., Chung, A., Cortese, L., Davis, T. A., Lagos, C. D. P., Lee, B., Parker, L. C., Spekkens, K., Stevens, A. R. H., Sun, J. (2023) "VERTICO. III. The Kennicutt-Schmidt relation in Virgo cluster galaxies", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 671, A3.
Jin, S., Trager, S. C., Dalton, G. B., Aguerri, J. A. L., Drew, J. E., Falcón-Barroso, J., Gänsicke, B. T., Hill, V., Iovino, A., Pieri, M. M., Poggianti, B. M., Smith, D. J. B., Vallenari, A., Abrams, D. C., Aguado, D. S., Antoja, T., Aragón-Salamanca, A., Ascasibar, Y., Babusiaux, C., Balcells, M., Barrena, R., Battaglia, G., Belokurov, V., Bensby, T., Bonifacio, P., Bragaglia, A., Carrasco, E., Carrera, R., Cornwell, D. J., Domínguez-Palmero, L., Duncan, K. J., Famaey, B., Fariña, C., Gonzalez, O. A., Guest, S., Hatch, N. A., Hess, K. M., Hoskin, M. J., Irwin, M., Knapen, J. H., Koposov, S. E., Kuchner, U., Laigle, C., Lewis, J., Longhetti, M., Lucatello, S., Méndez-Abreu, J., Mercurio, A., Molaeinezhad, A., Monguió, M., and 165 colleagues (2024) "The wide-field, multiplexed, spectroscopic facility WEAVE: Survey design, overview, and simulated implementation", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 530, 2688.
Jin, Y., Sutherland, R., Kewley, L. J., Nicholls, D. C. (2023) "Spatially Resolved Temperature and Density Structures of Nearby H II Regions", The Astrophysical Journal, 958, 179.
Johnston, V. D., Medling, A. M., Groves, B., Kewley, L. J., Cortese, L., Croom, S., López-Sánchez, Á. R., Zovaro, H., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Bryant, J., Lawrence, J., Owers, M., Richards, S., van de Sande, J. (2023) "Beyond BPT: A New Multidimensional Diagnostic Diagram for Classifying Power Sources Tested Using the SAMI Galaxy Survey", The Astrophysical Journal, 954, 77.
Jones, T., Sanders, R., Chen, Y., Wang, X., Morishita, T., Roberts-Borsani, G., Treu, T., Dressler, A., Merlin, E., Paris, D., Santini, P., Bergamini, P., Henry, A., Huntzinger, E., Nanayakkara, T., Boyett, K., Bradac, M., Brammer, G., Calabró, A., Glazebrook, K., Grasha, K., Mascia, S., Pentericci, L., Trenti, M., Vulcani, B. (2023) "Early Results from GLASS-JWST. XXI. Rapid Asembly of a Galaxy at z = 6.23 Revealed by Its C/O Abundance", The Astrophysical Journal, 951, L17.
Juodžbalis, I., Conselice, C. J., Singh, M., Adams, N., Ormerod, K., Harvey, T., Austin, D., Volonteri, M., Cohen, S. H., Jansen, R. A., Summers, J., Windhorst, R. A., D'Silva, J. C. J., Koekemoer, A. M., Coe, D., Driver, S. P., Frye, B., Grogin, N. A., Marshall, M. A., Nonino, M., Pirzkal, N., Robotham, A., R., Ortiz, R., Tompkins, S., Willmer, C. N. A., Yan, H. (2023) "EPOCHS VII: discovery of high-redshift (6.5 < z < 12) AGN candidates in JWST ERO and PEARLS data", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525, 1353.
Kamieneski, P. S., Frye, B. L., Pascale, M., Cohen, S. H., Windhorst, R. A., Jansen, R. A., Yun, M. S., Cheng, C., Summers, J. S., Carleton, T., Harrington, K. C., Diego, J. M., Yan, H., Koekemoer, A. M., Willmer, C. N. A., Petric, A., Furtak, L. J., Foo, N., Conselice, C. J., Coe, D., Driver, S. P., Grogin, N. A., Marshall, M. A., Nonino, M., Pirzkal, N., Robotham, A. S. G., Ryan, R. E., Tompkins, S. (2023) "Are JWST/NIRCam Color Gradients in the Lensed z = 2.3 Dusty Star-forming Galaxy El Anzuelo Due to Central Dust Attenuation or Inside-out Galaxy Growth?", The Astrophysical Journal, 955, 91.
Karademir, G. S., Taylor, E. N., Blake, C., Cluver, M. E., Jarrett, T. H., Triani, D. P. (2023) "Measurement of the evolving galaxy luminosity and mass function using clustering-based redshift inference", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 522, 3693.
Karki, A., Kulkarni, V. P., Weng, S., Péroux, C., Augustin, R., Hayes, M., Ayromlou, M., Kacprzak, G. G., Howk, J. C., Szakacs, R., Klitsch, A., Hamanowicz, A., Fresco, A., Zwaan, M. A., Biggs, A. D., Fox, A. J., Kassin, S., Kuntschner, H. (2023) "MUSE-ALMA Haloes - IX. Morphologies and stellar properties of gas-rich galaxies", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 524, 5524.
Kartaltepe, J. S., Rose, C., Vanderhoof, B. N., McGrath, E. J., Costantin, L., Cox, I. G., Yung, L. Y. A., Kocevski, D. D., Wuyts, S., Ferguson, H. C., Bagley, M. B., Finkelstein, S. L., Amorín, R. O., Andrews, B. H., Arrabal Haro, P., Backhaus, B. E., Behroozi, P., Bisigello, L., Calabrò, A., Casey, C. M., Coogan, R. T., Cooper, M. C., Croton, D., de la Vega, A., Dickinson, M., Fontana, A., Franco, M., Grazian, A., Grogin, N. A., Hathi, N. P., Holwerda, B. W., Huertas-Company, M., Iyer, K. G., Jogee, S., Jung, I., Kewley, L. J., Kirkpatrick, A., Koekemoer, A. M., Liu, J., Lotz, J. M., Lucas, R. A., Newman, J. A., Pacifici, C., Pandya, V., Papovich, C., Pentericci, L., Pérez-González, P. G., Petersen, J., Pirzkal, N., Rafelski, M., and 12 colleagues (2023) "CEERS Key Paper. III. The Diversity of Galaxy Structure and Morphology at z = 3-9 with JWST", The Astrophysical Journal, 946, L15.
Katz, H., Saxena, A., Cameron, A. J., Carniani, S., Bunker, A. J., Arribas, S., Bhatawdekar, R., Bowler, R. A. A., Boyett, K. N. K., Cresci, G., Curtis-Lake, E., D'Eugenio, F., Kumari, N., Looser, T. J., Maiolino, R., Übler, H., Willott, C., Witstok, J. (2023) "First insights into the ISM at z > 8 with JWST: possible physical implications of a high [O III] λ4363/[O III] λ5007", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518, 592.
Keel, W. C., Windhorst, R. A., Jansen, R. A., Cohen, S. H., Summers, J., Holwerda, B., Bradford, S. T., Robertson, C. D., Ferrami, G., Wyithe, S., Yan, H., Conselice, C. J., Driver, S. P., Robotham, A., Grogin, N. A., Willmer, C. N. A., Koekemoer, A. M., Frye, B. L., Hathi, N. P., Ryan, R. E., Pirzkal, N., Marshall, M. A., Coe, D., Diego, J. M., Broadhurst, T. J., Rutkowski, M. J., Wang, L., Willner, S. P., Petric, A., Cheng, C., Zitrin, A. (2023) "JWST's PEARLS: Dust Attenuation and Gravitational Lensing in the Backlit-galaxy System VV 191", The Astronomical Journal, 165, 166.
Keerthi Vasan, G. C., Jones, T., Sanders, R. L., Ellis, R. S., Stark, D. P., Kacprzak, G. G., Barone, T. M., Tran, K.-V. H., Glazebrook, K., Jacobs, C. (2023) "Resolved Velocity Profiles of Galactic Winds at Cosmic Noon", The Astrophysical Journal, 959, 124.
Kelly, P. L., Rodney, S., Treu, T., Birrer, S., Bonvin, V., Dessart, L., Foley, R. J., Filippenko, A. V., Gilman, D., Jha, S., Hjorth, J., Mandel, K., Millon, M., Pierel, J., Thorp, S., Zitrin, A., Broadhurst, T., Chen, W., Diego, J. M., Dressler, A., Graur, O., Jauzac, M., Malkan, M. A., McCully, C., Oguri, M., Postman, M., Schmidt, K. B., Sharon, K., Tucker, B. E., von der Linden, A., Wambsganss, J. (2023) "The Magnificent Five Images of Supernova Refsdal: Time Delay and Magnification Measurements", The Astrophysical Journal, 948, 93.
Kewley, L. J., Wyithe, J. S. B., Tran, K.-V., McCarthy, I. (2023) "The achievement of gender parity in a large astrophysics research centre", Nature Astronomy, 7, 1525.
Khan, S., Miglio, A., Willett, E., Mosser, B., Elsworth, Y. P., Anderson, R. I., Girardi, L., Belkacem, K., Brown, A. G. A., Cantat-Gaudin, T., Casagrande, L., Clementini, G., Vallenari, A. (2023) "Investigating Gaia EDR3 parallax systematics using asteroseismology of Cool Giant Stars observed by Kepler, K2, and TESS. I. Asteroseismic distances to 12 500 red-giant stars", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 677, A21.
Khanna, S., Sharma, S., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Hayden, M. (2023) "Measuring the streaming motion in the Milky Way disc with Gaia EDR3+", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520, 5002.
Kim, J., Chevance, M., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Barnes, A. T., Bigiel, F., Blanc, G. A., Boquien, M., Cao, Y., Congiu, E., Dale, D. A., Egorov, O. V., Faesi, C. M., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Groves, B., Hassani, H., Hughes, A., Klessen, R. S., Kreckel, K., Larson, K. L., Lee, J. C., Leroy, A. K., Liu, D., Longmore, S. N., Meidt, S. E., Pan, H.-A., Pety, J., Querejeta, M., Rosolowsky, E., Saito, T., Sandstrom, K., Schinnerer, E., Smith, R. J., Usero, A., Watkins, E. J., Williams, T. G. (2023) "PHANGS-JWST First Results: Duration of the Early Phase of Massive Star Formation in NGC 628", The Astrophysical Journal, 944, L20.
Kim, S.-J., Oh, S.-H., Wang, J., Staveley-Smith, L., Koribalski, B. S., Kim, M., Park, H.-J., Kim, S., Spekkens, K., Westmeier, T., Wong, O. I., Meurer, G. R., Kamphuis, P., Catinella, B., McQuinn, K. B. W., Bigiel, F., Holwerda, B. W., Rhee, J., Lee-Waddell, K., Deg, N., Verdes-Montenegro, L., For, B.-Q., Madrid, J. P., Dénes, H., Elagali, A. (2023) "WALLABY Pilot Survey: H I gas kinematics of galaxy pairs in cluster environment", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519, 318.
Kocevski, D. D., Barro, G., McGrath, E. J., Finkelstein, S. L., Bagley, M. B., Ferguson, H. C., Jogee, S., Yang, G., Dickinson, M., Hathi, N. P., Backhaus, B. E., Bell, E. F., Bisigello, L., Buat, V., Burgarella, D., Casey, C. M., Cleri, N. J., Cooper, M. C., Costantin, L., Croton, D., Daddi, E., Fontana, A., Fujimoto, S., Gardner, J. P., Gawiser, E., Giavalisco, M., Grazian, A., Grogin, N. A., Guo, Y., Arrabal Haro, P., Hirschmann, M., Holwerda, B. W., Huertas-Company, M., Hutchison, T. A., Iyer, K. G., Jones, B., Juneau, S., Kartaltepe, J. S., Kewley, L. J., Kirkpatrick, A., Koekemoer, A. M., Kurczynski, P., Le Bail, A., Long, A. S., Lotz, J. M., Lucas, R. A., Papovich, C., Pentericci, L., Pérez-González, P. G., Pirzkal, N., and 10 colleagues (2023) "CEERS Key Paper. II. A First Look at the Resolved Host Properties of AGN at 3 < z < 5 with JWST", The Astrophysical Journal, 946, L14.
Koposov, S. E., Erkal, D., Li, T. S., Da Costa, G. S., Cullinane, L. R., Ji, A. P., Kuehn, K., Lewis, G. F., Pace, A. B., Shipp, N., Zucker, D. B., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Lilleengen, S., Martell, S. L., S5 Collaboration (2023) "S 5: Probing the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds potentials with the 6D map of the Orphan-Chenab stream", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521, 4936.
Krumholz, M. R., Crocker, R. M., Offner, S. S. R. (2023) "The cosmic ray ionization and γ-ray budgets of star-forming galaxies", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520, 5126.
Krumholz, M. R., Crocker, R. M., Sampson, M. L. (2023) "Correction to: Cosmic Ray Interstellar Propagation Tool using Itô Calculus (CRIPTIC): Software for simultaneous calculation of cosmic ray transport and observational signatures", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525, 3468.
Kuncarayakti, H., Sollerman, J., Izzo, L., Maeda, K., Yang, S., Schulze, S., Angus, C. R., Aubert, M., Auchettl, K., Della Valle, M., Dessart, L., Hinds, K., Kankare, E., Kawabata, M., Lundqvist, P., Nakaoka, T., Perley, D., Raimundo, S. I., Strotjohann, N. L., Taguchi, K., Cai, Y.-Z., Charalampopoulos, P., Fang, Q., Fraser, M., Gutiérrez, C. P., Imazawa, R., Kangas, T., Kawabata, K. S., Kotak, R., Kravtsov, T., Matilainen, K., Mattila, S., Moran, S., Murata, I., Salmaso, I., Anderson, J. P., Ashall, C., Bellm, E. C., Benetti, S., Chambers, K. C., Chen, T.-W., Coughlin, M., De Colle, F., Fremling, C., Galbany, L., Gal-Yam, A., Gromadzki, M., Groom, S. L., Hajela, A., Inserra, C., and 13 colleagues (2023) "The broad-lined Type-Ic supernova SN 2022xxf and its extraordinary two-humped light curves. I. Signatures of H/He-free interaction in the first four months", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 678, A209.
Lagae, C., Amarsi, A. M., Rodríguez Díaz, L. F., Lind, K., Nordlander, T., Hansen, T. T., Heger, A. (2023) "Raising the observed metallicity floor with a 3D non-LTE analysis of SDSS J102915.14+172927.9", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 672, A90.
Lah, P., Scott, N., Barone, T. M., Robotham, A. S. G., D'Eugenio, F., Colless, M., Casura, S. (2023) "Comparison of the stellar populations of bulges and discs using the MaNGA survey", Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 40, e002.
Lawrence, G. E., Duffy, A. R., Blake, C. A., Hopkins, P. F. (2023) "Gusts in the headwind: uncertainties in direct dark matter detection", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 524, 2606.
Lee, J. H., Pak, M., Jeong, H., Oh, S. (2023) "Age-divided mean stellar populations from full spectrum fitting as the simplified star formation and chemical evolution history of a galaxy: methodology and reliability", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521, 4207.
Lee, K.-G., Khrykin, I. S., Simha, S., Ata, M., Huang, Y., Prochaska, J. X., Tejos, N., Cooke, J., Nagamine, K., Zhang, J. (2023) "The FRB 20190520B Sight Line Intersects Foreground Galaxy Clusters", The Astrophysical Journal, 954, L7.
Lee-Waddell, K., James, C. W., Ryder, S. D., Mahony, E. K., Bahramian, A., Koribalski, B. S., Kumar, P., Marnoch, L., North-Hickey, F. O., Sadler, E. M., Shannon, R., Tejos, N., Thorne, J. E., Wang, J., Wayth, R. (2023) "The host galaxy of FRB 20171020A revisited", Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 40, e029.
Leethochawalit, N., Roberts-Borsani, G., Morishita, T., Trenti, M., Treu, T. (2023) "The UV luminosity functions of bright z > 8 galaxies: determination from 0.41 deg2 of HST observations along 300 independent sightlines", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 524, 5454.
Leethochawalit, N., Trenti, M., Santini, P., Yang, L., Merlin, E., Castellano, M., Fontana, A., Treu, T., Mason, C., Glazebrook, K., Jones, T., Vulcani, B., Nanayakkara, T., Marchesini, D., Mascia, S., Morishita, T., Roberts-Borsani, G., Bonchi, A., Paris, D., Boyett, K., Strait, V., Calabrò, A., Pentericci, L., Bradac, M., Wang, X., Scarlata, C. (2023) "Early Results from GLASS-JWST. X. Rest-frame UV-optical Properties of Galaxies at 7 < z < 9", The Astrophysical Journal, 942, L26.
Lenkić, L., Bolatto, A. D., Fisher, D. B., Abraham, R., Glazebrook, K., Herrera-Camus, R., Levy, R. C., Obreschkow, D., Volpert, C. G. (2023) "CO Excitation in High-z Main-sequence Analogues: Resolved CO(4-3)/CO(3-2) Line Ratios in DYNAMO Galaxies", The Astrophysical Journal, 945, 9.
Leroy, A. K., Sandstrom, K., Rosolowsky, E., Belfiore, F., Bolatto, A. D., Cao, Y., Koch, E. W., Schinnerer, E., Barnes, A. T., Bešlić, I., Bigiel, F., Blanc, G. A., Chastenet, J., Chen, N. M., Chevance, M., Chown, R., Congiu, E., Dale, D. A., Egorov, O. V., Emsellem, E., Eibensteiner, C., Faesi, C. M., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Groves, B., Hassani, H., Henshaw, J. D., Hughes, A., Jiménez-Donaire, M. J., Kim, J., Klessen, R. S., Kreckel, K., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Larson, K. L., Lee, J. C., Levy, R. C., Liu, D., Lopez, L. A., Meidt, S. E., Murphy, E. J., Neumann, J., Pessa, I., Pety, J., Saito, T., Sardone, A., Sun, J., Thilker, D. A., Usero, A., Watkins, E. J., Whitcomb, C. M., and 1 colleagues (2023) "PHANGS-JWST First Results: Mid-infrared Emission Traces Both Gas Column Density and Heating at 100 pc Scales", The Astrophysical Journal, 944, L9.
Li, S.-S., Kuijken, K., Hoekstra, H., Miller, L., Heymans, C., Hildebrandt, H., van den Busch, J. L., Wright, A. H., Yoon, M., Bilicki, M., Bravo, M., Lagos, C. del P. (2023) "KiDS-Legacy calibration: Unifying shear and redshift calibration with the SKiLLS multi-band image simulations", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 670, A100.
Li, Y., Wang, Y., Deng, F., Yang, W., Hu, W., Liu, D., Zhao, X., Zuo, S., Shu, S., Li, J., Timbie, P., Ansari, R., Perdereau, O., Stebbins, A., Wolz, L., Wu, F., Zhang, X., Chen, X. (2023) "FAST Drift Scan Survey for HI Intensity Mapping: I. Preliminary Data Analysis", The Astrophysical Journal, 954, 139.
Li, Z., Wisnioski, E., Mendel, J. T., Krumholz, M. R., Kewley, L. J., López-Cobá, C., Sánchez, S. F., Anderson, J. P., Galbany, L. (2023) "Spatial metallicity distribution statistics at ≲100 pc scales in the AMUSING++ nearby galaxy sample", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518, 286.
Lian, J., Storm, N., Guiglion, G., Serenelli, A., Cote, B., Karakas, A. I., Boardman, N., Bergemann, M. (2023) "Observational constraints on the origin of the elements - VI. Origin and evolution of neutron-capture elements as probed by the Gaia-ESO survey", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525, 1329.
Lilleengen, S., Petersen, M. S., Erkal, D., Peñarrubia, J., Koposov, S. E., Li, T. S., Cullinane, L. R., Ji, A. P., Kuehn, K., Lewis, G. F., Mackey, D., Pace, A. B., Shipp, N., Zucker, D. B., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Hilmi, T., S5 Collaboration (2023) "The effect of the deforming dark matter haloes of the Milky Way and the Large Magellanic Cloud on the Orphan-Chenab stream", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518, 774.
Lin, X., Wang, J., Kilborn, V., Peng, E. W., Cortese, L., Boselli, A., Liang, Z.-Z., Lee, B., Yang, D., Catinella, B., Deg, N., Dénes, H., Elagali, A., Kamphuis, P., Koribalski, B. S., Lee-Waddell, K., Rhee, J., Shao, L., Spekkens, K., Staveley-Smith, L., Westmeier, T., Wong, O. I., Bekki, K., Bosma, A., Du, M., Ho, L. C., Madrid, J. P., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Wang, H., Wang, S. (2023) "FAST-ASKAP Synergy: Quantifying Coexistent Tidal and Ram Pressure Strippings in the NGC 4636 Group", The Astrophysical Journal, 956, 148.
Linden, S. T., Evans, A. S., Armus, L., Rich, J. A., Larson, K. L., Lai, T., Privon, G. C., U, V., Inami, H., Bohn, T., Song, Y., Barcos-Muñoz, L., Charmandaris, V., Medling, A. M., Stierwalt, S., Diaz-Santos, T., Böker, T., van der Werf, P., Aalto, S., Appleton, P., Brown, M. J. I., Hayward, C. C., Howell, J. H., Iwasawa, K., Kemper, F., Frayer, D. T., Law, D., Malkan, M. A., Marshall, J., Mazzarella, J. M., Murphy, E. J., Sanders, D., Surace, J. (2023) "GOALS-JWST: Revealing the Buried Star Clusters in the Luminous Infrared Galaxy VV 114", The Astrophysical Journal, 944, L55.
Liu, D., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Genzel, R., Lutz, D., Price, S. H., Lee, L. L., Baker, A. J., Burkert, A., Coogan, R. T., Davies, R. I., Davies, R. L., Herrera-Camus, R., Kodama, T., Lee, M. M., Nestor, A., Pulsoni, C., Renzini, A., Sharon, C. E., Shimizu, T. T., Tacconi, L. J., Tadaki, K.-. ichi ., Übler, H. (2023) "An 600 pc View of the Strongly Lensed, Massive Main-sequence Galaxy J0901: A Baryon-dominated, Thick Turbulent Rotating Disk with a Clumpy Cold Gas Ring at z = 2.259", The Astrophysical Journal, 942, 98.
Liu, D., Schinnerer, E., Cao, Y., Leroy, A., Usero, A., Rosolowsky, E., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Chevance, M., Glover, S. C. O., Sormani, M. C., Bolatto, A. D., Sun, J., Stuber, S. K., Teng, Y.-H., Bigiel, F., Bešlić, I., Grasha, K., Henshaw, J. D., Barnes, A. T., den Brok, J. S., Saito, T., Dale, D. A., Watkins, E. J., Pan, H.-A., Klessen, R. S., Emsellem, E., Anand, G. S., Deger, S., Egorov, O. V., Faesi, C. M., Hassani, H., Larson, K. L., Lee, J. C., Lopez, L. A., Pety, J., Sandstrom, K., Thilker, D. A., Whitmore, B. C., Williams, T. G. (2023) "PHANGS-JWST First Results: Stellar-feedback-driven Excitation and Dissociation of Molecular Gas in the Starburst Ring of NGC 1365?", The Astrophysical Journal, 944, L19.
Long, A. S., Casey, C. M., del P. Lagos, C., Lambrides, E. L., Zavala, J. A., Champagne, J., Cooper, O. R., Cooray, A. R. (2023) "Missing Giants: Predictions on Dust-obscured Galaxy Stellar Mass Assembly Throughout Cosmic Time", The Astrophysical Journal, 953, 11.
Maben, S., Campbell, S. W., Kumar, Y. B., Reddy, B. E., Zhao, G. (2023) "Asteroseismology Sheds Light on the Origin of Carbon-deficient Red Giants: Likely Merger Products and Linked to the Li-rich Giants", The Astrophysical Journal, 957, 18.
Maben, S., Kumar, Y. B., Reddy, B. E., Campbell, S. W., Zhao, G. (2023) "A large sample of newly identified carbon-deficient red giants from APOGEE", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525, 4554.
Magrini, L., Viscasillas Vázquez, C., Spina, L., Randich, S., Romano, D., Franciosini, E., Recio-Blanco, A., Nordlander, T., D'Orazi, V., Baratella, M., Smiljanic, R., Dantas, M. L. L., Pasquini, L., Spitoni, E., Casali, G., Van der Swaelmen, M., Bensby, T., Stonkute, E., Feltzing, S., Sacco, G. G., Bragaglia, A., Pancino, E., Heiter, U., Biazzo, K., Gilmore, G., Bergemann, M., Tautvaišienė, G., Worley, C., Hourihane, A., Gonneau, A., Morbidelli, L. (2023) "The Gaia-ESO survey: Mapping the shape and evolution of the radial abundance gradients with open clusters", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 669, A119.
Malik, U., Sharp, R., Penton, A., Yu, Z., Martini, P., Lidman, C., Tucker, B. E., Davis, T. M., Lewis, G. F., Aguena, M., Allam, S., Alves, O., Andrade-Oliveira, F., Asorey, J., Bacon, D., Bertin, E., Bocquet, S., Brooks, D., Burke, D. L., Carnero Rosell, A., Carollo, D., Carrasco Kind, M., Carretero, J., Costanzi, M., da Costa, L. N., Pereira, M. E. S., De Vicente, J., Desai, S., Diehl, H. T., Doel, P., Everett, S., Ferrero, I., Frieman, J., García-Bellido, J., Gerdes, D. W., Gruen, D., Gruendl, R. A., Gschwend, J., Hinton, S. R., Hollowood, D. L., Honscheid, K., James, D. J., Kuehn, K., Marshall, J. L., Mena-Fernández, J., Menanteau, F., Miquel, R., Ogando, R. L. C., Palmese, A., Paz-Chinchón, F., and 17 colleagues (2023) "OzDES Reverberation Mapping Program: Hβ lags from the 6-yr survey", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520, 2009.
Marino, A. F., Milone, A. P., Dondoglio, E., Renzini, A., Cordoni, G., Jerjen, H., Karakas, A., Lagioia, E. P., Legnardi, M. V., McKenzie, M., Mohandasan, A., Tailo, M., Yong, D., Ziliotto, T. (2023) "The Metallicity Variations Along the Chromosome Maps: The Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae", The Astrophysical Journal, 958, 31.
Marnoch, L., Ryder, S. D., James, C. W., Gordon, A. C., Sammons, M. W., Prochaska, J. X., Tejos, N., Deller, A. T., Scott, D. R., Bhandari, S., Glowacki, M., Mahony, E. K., McDermid, R. M., Sadler, E. M., Shannon, R. M., Qiu, H. (2023) "The unseen host galaxy and high dispersion measure of a precisely localized fast radio burst suggests a high-redshift origin", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525, 994.
Marshall, C., Setoodehnia, K., Cinquegrana, G. C., Kelly, J. H., Portillo Chaves, F., Karakas, A., Longland, R. (2023) "New constraints on sodium production in globular clusters from the 23Na(3He,d )24Mg reaction", Physical Review C, 107, 035806.
Marshall, M. A., Perna, M., Willott, C. J., Maiolino, R., Scholtz, J., Übler, H., Carniani, S., Arribas, S., Lützgendorf, N., Bunker, A. J., Charlot, S., Ferruit, P., Jakobsen, P., Rix, H.-W., Rodríguez Del Pino, B., Böker, T., Cameron, A. J., Cresci, G., Curtis-Lake, E., Jones, G. C., Kumari, N., Pérez-González, P. G., Reed, S. L. (2023) "GA-NIFS: Black hole and host galaxy properties of two z ≃ 6.8 quasars from the NIRSpec IFU", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 678, A191.
Martínez-Lombilla, C., Brough, S., Montes, M., Baena-Gallé, R., Akhlaghi, M., Infante-Sainz, R., Driver, S. P., Holwerda, B. W., Pimbblet, K. A., Robotham, A. S. G. (2023) "Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): extended intragroup light in a group at z = 0.2 from deep Hyper Suprime-Cam images", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518, 1195.
Martínez-Lombilla, C., Infante-Sainz, R., Jiménez-Ibarra, F., Knapen, J. H., Trujillo, I., Comerón, S., Borlaff, A. S., Román, J. (2023) "The truncation of the disk of NGC 4565. Detected up to z = 4 kpc, with star formation, and affected by the warp", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 678, A62.
Mascia, S., Pentericci, L., Calabrò, A., Treu, T., Santini, P., Yang, L., Napolitano, L., Roberts-Borsani, G., Bergamini, P., Grillo, C., Rosati, P., Vulcani, B., Castellano, M., Boyett, K., Fontana, A., Glazebrook, K., Henry, A., Mason, C., Merlin, E., Morishita, T., Nanayakkara, T., Paris, D., Roy, N., Williams, H., Wang, X., Brammer, G., Bradač, M., Chen, W., Kelly, P. L., Koekemoer, A. M., Trenti, M., Windhorst, R. A. (2023) "Closing in on the sources of cosmic reionization: First results from the GLASS-JWST program", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 672, A155.
Mashonkina, L., Arentsen, A., Aguado, D. S., Smogorzhevskii, A., Hampel, M., Karakas, A. I., Sestito, F., Martin, N. F., Venn, K. A., González Hernández, J. I. (2023) "The Pristine Inner Galaxy Survey (PIGS) VII: a discovery of the first inner Galaxy CEMP-r/s star", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523, 2111.
Mason, C. A., Muñoz, J. B., Greig, B., Mesinger, A., Park, J. (2023) "21CMFISH: Fisher-matrix framework for fast parameter forecasts from the cosmic 21-cm signal", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 524, 4711.
Mason, C. A., Trenti, M., Treu, T. (2023) "The brightest galaxies at cosmic dawn", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521, 497.
Mathew, S. S., Federrath, C., Seta, A. (2023) "The role of the turbulence driving mode for the initial mass function", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518, 5190.
Maud, L. T., Asaki, Y., Nagai, H., Tsukui, T., Hirota, A., Fomalont, E. B., Dent, W. R. F., Takahashi, S., Phillips, N. (2023) "ALMA High-frequency Long-baseline Campaign in 2019: Band 9 and 10 In-band and Band-to-band Observations Using ALMA's Longest Baselines", The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 267, 24.
Mayker Chen, N., Leroy, A. K., Lopez, L. A., Benincasa, S., Chevance, M., Glover, S. C. O., Hughes, A., Kreckel, K., Sarbadhicary, S., Sun, J., Thompson, T. A., Utomo, D., Bigiel, F., Blanc, G. A., Dale, D. A., Grasha, K., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Pan, H.-A., Querejeta, M., Schinnerer, E., Watkins, E. J., Williams, T. G. (2023) "Comparing the Locations of Supernovae to CO (2-1) Emission in Their Host Galaxies", The Astrophysical Journal, 944, 110.
McPherson, D. K., Fisher, D. B., Nielsen, N. M., Kacprzak, G. G., Reichardt Chu, B., Cameron, A. J., Bolatto, A. D., Chisholm, J., Fielding, D. B., Berg, D., Herrera-Camus, R., Li, M., Vaught, R. J. R., Sandstrom, K. (2023) "DUVET survey: mapping outflows in the metal-poor starburst Mrk 1486", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525, 6170.
Meidt, S. E., Rosolowsky, E., Sun, J., Koch, E. W., Klessen, R. S., Leroy, A. K., Schinnerer, E., Barnes, A. T., Glover, S. C. O., Lee, J. C., van der Wel, A., Watkins, E. J., Williams, T. G., Bigiel, F., Boquien, M., Blanc, G. A., Cao, Y., Chevance, M., Dale, D. A., Egorov, O. V., Emsellem, E., Grasha, K., Henshaw, J. D., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Larson, K. L., Liu, D., Murphy, E. J., Pety, J., Querejeta, M., Saito, T., Sandstrom, K. M., Smith, R. J., Sormani, M. C., Thilker, D. A. (2023) "PHANGS-JWST First Results: Interstellar Medium Structure on the Turbulent Jeans Scale in Four Disk Galaxies Observed by JWST and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array", The Astrophysical Journal, 944, L18.
Menon, S. H., Federrath, C., Krumholz, M. R. (2023) "Outflows driven by direct and reprocessed radiation pressure in massive star clusters", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521, 5160.
Metha, B., Cameron, A. J., Trenti, M. (2023) "Correction to: A novel approach to investigate chemical inhomogeneities in GRB host galaxies: The Zabs - Zemiss relation", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519, 4036.
Metha, B., Trenti, M. (2023) "The internal metallicity distributions of simulated galaxies from EAGLE, Illustris, and IllustrisTNG at z = 1.8-4 as probed by gamma-ray burst hosts", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520, 879.
Mohapatra, R., Sharma, P., Federrath, C., Quataert, E. (2023) "Multiphase condensation in cluster haloes: interplay of cooling, buoyancy, and mixing", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525, 3831.
Moliné, Á., Sánchez-Conde, M. A., Aguirre-Santaella, A., Ishiyama, T., Prada, F., Cora, S. A., Croton, D., Jullo, E., Metcalf, R. B., Oogi, T., Ruedas, J. (2023) "ΛCDM halo substructure properties revealed with high-resolution and large-volume cosmological simulations", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518, 157.
Monty, S., Yong, D., Marino, A. F., Karakas, A. I., McKenzie, M., Grundahl, F., Mura-Guzmán, A. (2023) "Peeking beneath the precision floor - I. Metallicity spreads and multiple elemental dispersions in the globular clusters NGC 288 and NGC 362", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518, 965.
Monty, S., Yong, D., Massari, D., McKenzie, M., Myeong, G., Buder, S., Karakas, A. I., Freeman, K. C., Marino, A. F., Belokurov, V., Evans, N. W. (2023) "Peeking beneath the precision floor - II. Probing the chemo-dynamical histories of the potential globular cluster siblings, NGC 288 and NGC 362", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 522, 4404.
Morishita, T., Roberts-Borsani, G., Treu, T., Brammer, G., Mason, C. A., Trenti, M., Vulcani, B., Wang, X., Acebron, A., Bahé, Y., Bergamini, P., Boyett, K., Bradac, M., Calabrò, A., Castellano, M., Chen, W., De Lucia, G., Filippenko, A. V., Fontana, A., Glazebrook, K., Grillo, C., Henry, A., Jones, T., Kelly, P. L., Koekemoer, A. M., Leethochawalit, N., Lu, T.-Y., Marchesini, D., Mascia, S., Mercurio, A., Merlin, E., Metha, B., Nanayakkara, T., Nonino, M., Paris, D., Pentericci, L., Rosati, P., Santini, P., Strait, V., Vanzella, E., Windhorst, R. A., Xie, L. (2023) "Early Results from GLASS-JWST. XIV. A Spectroscopically Confirmed Protocluster 650 Million Years after the Big Bang", The Astrophysical Journal, 947, L24.
Mukherjee, T., Zafar, T., Nanayakkara, T., Wisnioski, E., Battisti, A., Gupta, A., Lagos, C. D. P., Harborne, K. E., Foster, C., Mendel, T., Croom, S. M., Mailvaganam, A., Prathap, J. (2023) "Compact to extended Lyman-α emitters in MAGPI: Strong blue-peak emission at z ≳ 3", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 680, L5.
Murugeshan, C., Džudžar, R., Bagge, R., O'Beirne, T., Wong, O. I., Kilborn, V. A., Cluver, M. E., Lutz, K. A., Elagali, A. (2023) "The HI in Ring Galaxies Survey (HI-RINGS)—Effects of the bar on the HI gas in ring galaxies", Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 40, e018.
Nanayakkara, T., Glazebrook, K., Jacobs, C., Bonchi, A., Castellano, M., Fontana, A., Mason, C., Merlin, E., Morishita, T., Paris, D., Trenti, M., Treu, T., Calabrò, A., Boyett, K., Bradac, M., Leethochawalit, N., Marchesini, D., Santini, P., Strait, V., Vanzella, E., Vulcani, B., Wang, X., Yang, L. (2023) "Early Results from GLASS-JWST. XVI. Discovering a Bluer z 4-7 Universe through UV Slopes", The Astrophysical Journal, 947, L26.
Nandakumar, G., Ryde, N., Casagrande, L., Mace, G. (2023) "M giants with IGRINS. I. Stellar parameters and α-abundance trends of the solar neighborhood population", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 675, A23.
Nestor Shachar, A., Price, S. H., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Genzel, R., Shimizu, T. T., Tacconi, L. J., Übler, H., Burkert, A., Davies, R. I., Dekel, A., Herrera-Camus, R., Lee, L. L., Liu, D., Lutz, D., Naab, T., Neri, R., Renzini, A., Saglia, R., Schuster, K. F., Sternberg, A., Wisnioski, E., Wuyts, S. (2023) "RC100: Rotation Curves of 100 Massive Star-forming Galaxies at z = 0.6-2.5 Reveal Little Dark Matter on Galactic Scales", The Astrophysical Journal, 944, 78.
Neumann, L., Gallagher, M. J., Bigiel, F., Leroy, A. K., Barnes, A. T., Usero, A., den Brok, J. S., Belfiore, F., Bešlić, I., Cao, Y., Chevance, M., Dale, D. A., Eibensteiner, C., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Henshaw, J. D., Jiménez-Donaire, M. J., Klessen, R. S., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Liu, D., Meidt, S., Pety, J., Puschnig, J., Querejeta, M., Rosolowsky, E., Schinnerer, E., Schruba, A., Sormani, M. C., Sun, J., Teng, Y.-H., Williams, T. G. (2023) "The ALMOND survey: molecular cloud properties and gas density tracers across 25 nearby spiral galaxies with ALMA", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521, 3348.
Neustadt, J. M. M., Hinkle, J. T., Kochanek, C. S., Reynolds, M. T., Mathur, S., Tucker, M. A., Pogge, R., Stanek, K. Z., Payne, A. V., Shappee, B. J., Holoien, T. W.-S., Auchettl, K., Ashall, C., de Jaeger, T., Desai, D., Do, A., Hoogendam, W. B., Huber, M. E. (2023) "Multiple flares in the changing-look AGN NGC 5273", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521, 3810.
Nikolić, I., Mesinger, A., Qin, Y., Gorce, A. (2023) "Inferring reionization and galaxy properties from the patchy kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich signal", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526, 3170.
Noon, K. A., Krumholz, M. R., Di Teodoro, E. M., McClure-Griffiths, N. M., Lockman, F. J., Armillotta, L. (2023) "Direct observations of the atomic-molecular phase transition in the Milky Way's nuclear wind", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 524, 1258.
Norris, J. E., Yong, D., Frebel, A., Ryan, S. G. (2023) "A critique of the Spite Plateau and the astration of primordial lithium", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 522, 1358.
Nunhokee, C. D., Bernardi, G., Manti, S., Govoni, F., Bonafede, A., Venturi, T., Dallacasa, D., Murgia, M., Pizzo, R. F., Smirnov, O. M., Vacca, V. (2023) "Radio multifrequency observations of the galaxy cluster pair Abell 399 - 401 with WSRT", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 522, 4421.
Oesch, P. A., Brammer, G., Naidu, R. P., Bouwens, R. J., Chisholm, J., Illingworth, G. D., Matthee, J., Nelson, E., Qin, Y., Reddy, N., Shapley, A., Shivaei, I., van Dokkum, P., Weibel, A., Whitaker, K., Wuyts, S., Covelo-Paz, A., Endsley, R., Fudamoto, Y., Giovinazzo, E., Herard-Demanche, T., Kerutt, J., Kramarenko, I., Labbe, I., Leonova, E., Lin, J., Magee, D., Marchesini, D., Maseda, M., Mason, C., Matharu, J., Meyer, R. A., Neufeld, C., Prieto Lyon, G., Schaerer, D., Sharma, R., Shuntov, M., Smit, R., Stefanon, M., Wyithe, J. S. B., Xiao, M. (2023) "The JWST FRESCO survey: legacy NIRCam/grism spectroscopy and imaging in the two GOODS fields", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525, 2864.
Oh, S.-H., Kim, S., For, B.-Q., Staveley-Smith, L. (2023) "Erratum: "Kinematic Decomposition of the H I Gaseous Component in the Large Magellanic Cloud" (2022, ApJ, 928, 177)", The Astrophysical Journal, 949, 35.
Oh, W. S., Nordlander, T., Da Costa, G. S., Bessell, M. S., Mackey, A. D. (2023) "The SkyMapper search for extremely metal-poor stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 524, 577.
Oh, W. S., Nordlander, T., Da Costa, G. S., Mackey, A. D. (2023) "A high-resolution spectroscopic search for multiple populations in the 2 Gyr old cluster NGC 1846", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519, 831.
Oogi, T., Ishiyama, T., Prada, F., Sinha, M., Croton, D., Cora, S. A., Jullo, E., Klypin, A. A., Nagashima, M., López Cacheiro, J., Ruedas, J., Kobayashi, M. A. R., Makiya, R. (2023) "Uchuu-ν2GC galaxies and AGN: cosmic variance forecasts of high-redshift AGN for JWST, Euclid, and LSST", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525, 3879.
Osborn, Z., Karakas, A. I., Kemp, A. J., Izzard, R. G. (2023) "Aluminium-26 production in low- and intermediate-mass binary systems", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526, 6059.
Pacifici, C., Iyer, K. G., Mobasher, B., da Cunha, E., Acquaviva, V., Burgarella, D., Calistro Rivera, G., Carnall, A. C., Chang, Y.-Y., Chartab, N., Cooke, K. C., Fairhurst, C., Kartaltepe, J., Leja, J., Małek, K., Salmon, B., Torelli, M., Vidal-García, A., Boquien, M., Brammer, G. G., Brown, M. J. I., Capak, P. L., Chevallard, J., Circosta, C., Croton, D., Davidzon, I., Dickinson, M., Duncan, K. J., Faber, S. M., Ferguson, H. C., Fontana, A., Guo, Y., Haeussler, B., Hemmati, S., Jafariyazani, M., Kassin, S. A., Larson, R. L., Lee, B., Mantha, K. B., Marchi, F., Nayyeri, H., Newman, J. A., Pandya, V., Pforr, J., Reddy, N., Sanders, R., Shah, E., Shahidi, A., Stevans, M. L., Triani, D. P., and 5 colleagues (2023) "The Art of Measuring Physical Parameters in Galaxies: A Critical Assessment of Spectral Energy Distribution Fitting Techniques", The Astrophysical Journal, 944, 141.
Paris, D., Merlin, E., Fontana, A., Bonchi, A., Brammer, G., Correnti, M., Treu, T., Boyett, K., Calabrò, A., Castellano, M., Chen, W., Yang, L., Glazebrook, K., Kelly, P., Koekemoer, A. M., Leethochawalit, N., Mascia, S., Mason, C., Morishita, T., Nonino, M., Pentericci, L., Polenta, G., Roberts-Borsani, G., Santini, P., Trenti, M., Vanzella, E., Vulcani, B., Windhorst, R. A., Nanayakkara, T., Wang, X. (2023) "The GLASS-JWST Early Release Science Program. II. Stage I Release of NIRCam Imaging and Catalogs in the Abell 2744 Region", The Astrophysical Journal, 952, 20.
Park, S.-M., Chun, K., Shin, J., Jeong, H., Lee, J. H., Pak, M., Smith, R., Kim, J.-W. (2023) "Galaxy Quenching with Mass Growth History of Galaxy Groups and Clusters: The Importance of Post-processing", The Astrophysical Journal, 954, 98.
Payne, A. V., Auchettl, K., Shappee, B. J., Kochanek, C. S., Boyd, P. T., Holoien, T. W.-S., Fausnaugh, M. M., Ashall, C., Hinkle, J. T., Vallely, P. J., Stanek, K. Z., Thompson, T. A. (2023) "Chandra, HST/STIS, NICER, Swift, and TESS Detail the Flare Evolution of the Repeating Nuclear Transient ASASSN -14ko", The Astrophysical Journal, 951, 134.
Pessi, P. J., Anderson, J. P., Folatelli, G., Dessart, L., González-Gaitán, S., Möller, A., Gutiérrez, C. P., Mattila, S., Reynolds, T. M., Charalampopoulos, P., Filippenko, A. V., Galbany, L., Gal-Yam, A., Gromadzki, M., Hiramatsu, D., Howell, D. A., Inserra, C., Kankare, E., Lunnan, R., Martinez, L., McCully, C., Meza, N., Müller-Bravo, T. E., Nicholl, M., Pellegrino, C., Pignata, G., Sollerman, J., Tucker, B. E., Wang, X., Young, D. R. (2023) "Broad-emission-line dominated hydrogen-rich luminous supernovae", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523, 5315.
Petkova, M. A., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Henshaw, J. D., Longmore, S. N., Glover, S. C. O., Sormani, M. C., Armillotta, L., Barnes, A. T., Klessen, R. S., Nogueras-Lara, F., Tress, R. G., Armijos-Abendaño, J., Colzi, L., Federrath, C., García, P., Ginsburg, A., Henkel, C., Martín, S., Riquelme, D., Rivilla, V. M. (2023) "Kinematics of Galactic Centre clouds shaped by shear-seeded solenoidal turbulence", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525, 962.
Polletta, M., Nonino, M., Frye, B., Gargiulo, A., Bisogni, S., Garuda, N., Thompson, D., Lehnert, M., Pascale, M., Willner, S. P., Kamieneski, P., Leimbach, R., Cheng, C., Coe, D., Cohen, S. H., Conselice, C. J., Dai, L., Diego, J., Dole, H., Driver, S. P., D'Silva, J. C. J., Fontana, A., Foo, N., Furtak, L. J., Grogin, N. A., Harrington, K., Hathi, N. P., Jansen, R. A., Kelly, P., Koekemoer, A. M., Mancini, C., Marshall, M. A., Pierel, J. D. R., Pirzkal, N., Robotham, A., Rutkowski, M. J., Ryan, R. E., Snigula, J. M., Summers, J., Tompkins, S., Willmer, C. N. A., Windhorst, R. A., Yan, H., Yun, M. S., Zitrin, A. (2023) "Spectroscopy of the supernova H0pe host galaxy at redshift 1.78", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 675, L4.
Polzin, A., Margutti, R., Coppejans, D. L., Auchettl, K., Page, K. L., Vasilopoulos, G., Bright, J. S., Esposito, P., Williams, P. K. G., Mukai, K., Berger, E. (2023) "The Luminosity Phase Space of Galactic and Extragalactic X-Ray Transients Out to Intermediate Redshifts", The Astrophysical Journal, 959, 75.
Prieto-Lyon, G., Mason, C., Mascia, S., Merlin, E., Roy, N., Henry, A., Roberts-Borsani, G., Morishita, T., Wang, X., Boyett, K., Bolan, P., Bradac, M., Castellano, M., Mercurio, A., Nanayakkara, T., Paris, D., Pentericci, L., Scarlata, C., Trenti, M., Treu, T., Vanzella, E. (2023) "Early Results from GLASS-JWST. XXIII. The Transmission of Lyα from UV-faint z 3-6 Galaxies", The Astrophysical Journal, 956, 136.
Prieto-Lyon, G., Strait, V., Mason, C. A., Brammer, G., Caminha, G. B., Mercurio, A., Acebron, A., Bergamini, P., Grillo, C., Rosati, P., Vanzella, E., Castellano, M., Merlin, E., Paris, D., Boyett, K., Calabrò, A., Morishita, T., Mascia, S., Pentericci, L., Roberts-Borsani, G., Roy, N., Treu, T., Vulcani, B. (2023) "The production of ionizing photons in UV-faint z ∼ 3-7 galaxies", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 672, A186.
Puglisi, A., Dudzevičiūtė, U., Swinbank, M., Gillman, S., Tiley, A. L., Bower, R. G., Cirasuolo, M., Cortese, L., Glazebrook, K., Harrison, C., Ibar, E., Molina, J., Obreschkow, D., Oman, K. A., Schaller, M., Shankar, F., Sharples, R. M. (2023) "KURVS: the outer rotation curve shapes and dark matter fractions of z 1.5 star-forming galaxies", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 524, 2814.
Qin, Y., Balu, S., Wyithe, J. S. B. (2023) "Implications of z ≳ 12 JWST galaxies for galaxy formation at high redshift", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526, 1324.
Rauf, L., Howlett, C., Davis, T. M., Lagos, C. D. P. (2023) "Exploring binary black hole mergers and host galaxies with SHARK and COMPAS", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523, 5719.
Reggiani, H., Schlaufman, K. C., Casey, A. R. (2023) "Iron-rich Metal-poor Stars and the Astrophysics of Thermonuclear Events Observationally Classified as Type Ia Supernovae. I. Establishing the Connection", The Astronomical Journal, 166, 128.
Reynolds, T. N., Catinella, B., Cortese, L., Deg, N., Dénes, H., Elagali, A., For, B.-Q., Kamphuis, P., Kleiner, D., Koribalski, B. S., Lee-Waddell, K., Murugeshan, C., Raja, W., Rhee, J., Spekkens, K., Staveley-Smith, L., van der Hulst, J. M., Wang, J., Westmeier, T., Wong, O. I., Bigiel, F., Bosma, A., Holwerda, B. W., Leahy, D. A., Meyer, M. J. (2023) "WALLABY pilot survey: The diversity of HI structural parameters in nearby galaxies", Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 40, e032.
Rhea, C. L., Rousseau-Nepton, L., Moumen, I., Prunet, S., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Grasha, K., Robert, C., Morisset, C., Stasinska, G., Vale-Asari, N., Giroux, J., McLeod, A., Gendron-Marsolais, M.-L., Wang, J., Lyman, J., Chemin, L. (2023) "A machine learning approach to galactic emission-line region classification", RAS Techniques and Instruments, 2, 345.
Rhee, J., Meyer, M., Popping, A., Bellstedt, S., Driver, S. P., Robotham, A. S. G., Whiting, M., Baldry, I. K., Brough, S., Brown, M. J. I., Bunton, J. D., Dodson, R., Holwerda, B. W., Hopkins, A. M., Koribalski, B. S., Lee-Waddell, K., López-Sánchez, Á. R., Loveday, J., Mahony, E., Roychowdhury, S., Rozgonyi, K., Staveley-Smith, L. (2023) "Deep investigation of neutral gas origins (DINGO): H I stacking experiments with early science data", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518, 4646.
Rhodes, L., Caleb, M., Stappers, B. W., Andersson, A., Bezuidenhout, M. C., Driessen, L. N., Heywood, I. (2023) "FRB 20121102A: images of the bursts and the varying radio counterpart", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525, 3626.
Rich, J., Aalto, S., Evans, A. S., Charmandaris, V., Privon, G. C., Lai, T., Inami, H., Linden, S., Armus, L., Diaz-Santos, T., Appleton, P., Barcos-Muñoz, L., Böker, T., Larson, K. L., Law, D. R., Malkan, M. A., Medling, A. M., Song, Y., U, V., van der Werf, P., Bohn, T., Brown, M. J. I., Finnerty, L., Hayward, C., Howell, J., Iwasawa, K., Kemper, F., Marshall, J., Mazzarella, J. M., McKinney, J., Muller-Sanchez, F., Murphy, E. J., Sanders, D., Soifer, B. T., Stierwalt, S., Surace, J. (2023) "GOALS-JWST: Pulling Back the Curtain on the AGN and Star Formation in VV 114", The Astrophysical Journal, 944, L50.
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Rieke, M. J., Robertson, B., Tacchella, S., Hainline, K., Johnson, B. D., Hausen, R., Ji, Z., Willmer, C. N. A., Eisenstein, D. J., Puskás, D., Alberts, S., Arribas, S., Baker, W. M., Baum, S., Bhatawdekar, R., Bonaventura, N., Boyett, K., Bunker, A. J., Cameron, A. J., Carniani, S., Charlot, S., Chevallard, J., Chen, Z., Curti, M., Curtis-Lake, E., Danhaive, A. L., DeCoursey, C., Dressler, A., Egami, E., Endsley, R., Helton, J. M., Hviding, R. E., Kumari, N., Looser, T. J., Lyu, J., Maiolino, R., Maseda, M. V., Nelson, E. J., Rieke, G., Rix, H.-W., Sandles, L., Saxena, A., Sharpe, K., Shivaei, I., Skarbinski, M., Smit, R., Stark, D. P., Stone, M., Suess, K. A., Sun, F., and 9 colleagues (2023) "JADES Initial Data Release for the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: Revealing the Faint Infrared Sky with Deep JWST NIRCam Imaging", The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 269, 16.
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Roberts, I. D., Brown, T., Zabel, N., Wilson, C. D., Chung, A., Parker, L. C., Bisaria, D., Boselli, A., Catinella, B., Chown, R., Cortese, L., Davis, T. A., Ellison, S., Jiménez-Donaire, M. J., Lee, B., Smith, R., Spekkens, K., Stevens, A. R. H., Thorp, M., Villanueva, V., Watts, A. B., Welker, C., Yoon, H. (2023) "VERTICO. VI. Cold-gas asymmetries in Virgo cluster galaxies", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 675, A78.
Roberts-Borsani, G., Treu, T., Chen, W., Morishita, T., Vanzella, E., Zitrin, A., Bergamini, P., Castellano, M., Fontana, A., Glazebrook, K., Grillo, C., Kelly, P. L., Merlin, E., Nanayakkara, T., Paris, D., Rosati, P., Yang, L., Acebron, A., Bonchi, A., Boyett, K., Bradač, M., Brammer, G., Broadhurst, T., Calabró, A., Diego, J. M., Dressler, A., Furtak, L. J., Filippenko, A. V., Henry, A., Koekemoer, A. M., Leethochawalit, N., Malkan, M. A., Mason, C., Mercurio, A., Metha, B., Pentericci, L., Pierel, J., Rieck, S., Roy, N., Santini, P., Strait, V., Strausbaugh, R., Trenti, M., Vulcani, B., Wang, L., Wang, X., Windhorst, R. A. (2023) "The nature of an ultra-faint galaxy in the cosmic dark ages seen with JWST", Nature, 618, 480.
Robertson, B. E., Tacchella, S., Johnson, B. D., Hainline, K., Whitler, L., Eisenstein, D. J., Endsley, R., Rieke, M., Stark, D. P., Alberts, S., Dressler, A., Egami, E., Hausen, R., Rieke, G., Shivaei, I., Williams, C. C., Willmer, C. N. A., Arribas, S., Bonaventura, N., Bunker, A., Cameron, A. J., Carniani, S., Charlot, S., Chevallard, J., Curti, M., Curtis-Lake, E., D'Eugenio, F., Jakobsen, P., Looser, T. J., Lützgendorf, N., Maiolino, R., Maseda, M. V., Rawle, T., Rix, H.-W., Smit, R., Übler, H., Willott, C., Witstok, J., Baum, S., Bhatawdekar, R., Boyett, K., Chen, Z., de Graaff, A., Florian, M., Helton, J. M., Hviding, R. E., Ji, Z., Kumari, N., Lyu, J., Nelson, E., and 6 colleagues (2023) "Identification and properties of intense star-forming galaxies at redshifts z > 10", Nature Astronomy, 7, 611.
Robertson, B. E., Tacchella, S., Johnson, B. D., Hausen, R., Alabi, A. B., Boyett, K., Bunker, A. J., Carniani, S., Egami, E., Eisenstein, D. J., Hainline, K. N., Helton, J. M., Ji, Z., Kumari, N., Lyu, J., Maiolino, R., Nelson, E. J., Rieke, M. J., Shivaei, I., Sun, F., Übler, H., Williams, C. C., Willmer, C. N. A., Witstok, J. (2023) "Morpheus Reveals Distant Disk Galaxy Morphologies with JWST: The First AI/ML Analysis of JWST Images", The Astrophysical Journal, 942, L42.
Robotham, A. S. G., D'Silva, J. C. J., Windhorst, R. A., Jansen, R. A., Summers, J., Driver, S. P., Wilmer, C. N. A., Bellstedt, S. (2023) "Dynamic Wisp Removal in JWST NIRCam Images", Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 135, 085003.
Rodríguez, M. J., Lee, J. C., Whitmore, B. C., Thilker, D. A., Maschmann, D., Chandar, R., Deger, S., Boquien, M., Dale, D. A., Larson, K. L., Williams, T. G., Kim, H., Schinnerer, E., Rosolowsky, E., Leroy, A. K., Emsellem, E., Sandstrom, K. M., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Grasha, K., Watkins, E. J., Barnes, A. T., Sormani, M. C., Kim, J., Anand, G. S., Chevance, M., Bigiel, F., Klessen, R. S., Hassani, H., Liu, D., Faesi, C. M., Cao, Y., Belfiore, F., Pessa, I., Kreckel, K., Groves, B., Pety, J., Indebetouw, R., Egorov, O. V., Blanc, G. A., Saito, T., Hughes, A. (2023) "PHANGS-JWST First Results: Dust-embedded Star Clusters in NGC 7496 Selected via 3.3 μm PAH Emission", The Astrophysical Journal, 944, L26.
Romero-Gómez, J., Peletier, R. F., Aguerri, J. A. L., Mieske, S., Scott, N., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Bryant, J. J., Croom, S. M., Eftekhari, F. S., Falcón-Barroso, J., Hilker, M., van de Ven, G., Venhola, A. (2023) "The SAMI-Fornax Dwarfs Survey - III. Evolution of [α/Fe] in dwarfs, from Galaxy Clusters to the Local Group", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 522, 130.
Rommel, F. L., Braga-Ribas, F., Ortiz, J. L., Sicardy, B., Santos-Sanz, P., Desmars, J., Camargo, J. I. B., Vieira-Martins, R., Assafin, M., Morgado, B. E., Boufleur, R. C., Benedetti-Rossi, G., Gomes-Júnior, A. R., Fernández-Valenzuela, E., Holler, B. J., Souami, D., Duffard, R., Margoti, G., Vara-Lubiano, M., Lecacheux, J., Plouvier, J. L., Morales, N., Maury, A., Fabrega, J., Ceravolo, P., Jehin, E., Albanese, D., Mariey, H., Cikota, S., Ruždjak, D., Cikota, A., Szakáts, R., Baba Aissa, D., Gringahcene, Z., Kashuba, V., Koshkin, N., Zhukov, V., Fişek, S., Çakir, O., Özer, S., Schnabel, C., Schnabel, M., Signoret, F., Morrone, L., Santana-Ros, T., Pereira, C. L., Emilio, M., Burdanov, A. Y., de Wit, J., Barkaoui, K., and 154 colleagues (2023) "A large topographic feature on the surface of the trans-Neptunian object (307261) 2002 MS4 measured from stellar occultations", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 678, A167.
Rose, C., Kartaltepe, J. S., Snyder, G. F., Rodriguez-Gomez, V., Yung, L. Y. A., Arrabal Haro, P., Bagley, M. B., Calabró, A., Cleri, N. J., Cooper, M. C., Costantin, L., Croton, D., Dickinson, M., Finkelstein, S. L., Häußler, B., Holwerda, B. W., Koekemoer, A. M., Kurczynski, P., Lucas, R. A., Mantha, K. B., Papovich, C., Pérez-González, P. G., Pirzkal, N., Somerville, R. S., Straughn, A. N., Tacchella, S. (2023) "Identifying Galaxy Mergers in Simulated CEERS NIRCam Images Using Random Forests", The Astrophysical Journal, 942, 54.
Rose, K., Pritchard, J., Murphy, T., Caleb, M., Dobie, D., Driessen, L., Duchesne, S. W., Kaplan, D. L., Lenc, E., Wang, Z. (2023) "Periodic Radio Emission from the T8 Dwarf WISE J062309.94-045624.6", The Astrophysical Journal, 951, L43.
Roth, M. A., Krumholz, M. R., Crocker, R. M., Thompson, T. A. (2023) "CONGRUENTS (COsmic ray, Neutrino, Gamma-ray, and Radio Non-Thermal Spectra) - I. A predictive model for galactic non-thermal emission", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523, 2608.
Roy, N., Henry, A., Treu, T., Jones, T., Prieto-Lyon, G., Mason, C., Heckman, T., Nanayakkara, T., Pentericci, L., Mascia, S., Bradač, M., Vanzella, E., Scarlata, C., Boyett, K., Trenti, M., Wang, X. (2023) "Early Results from GLASS-JWST. XXII. Rest-frame UV-Optical Spectral Properties of Lyα Emitting Galaxies at 3 < z < 6", The Astrophysical Journal, 952, L14.
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Sandstrom, K. M., Chastenet, J., Sutter, J., Leroy, A. K., Egorov, O. V., Williams, T. G., Bolatto, A. D., Boquien, M., Cao, Y., Dale, D. A., Lee, J. C., Rosolowsky, E., Schinnerer, E., Barnes, A. T., Belfiore, F., Bigiel, F., Chevance, M., Grasha, K., Groves, B., Hassani, H., Hughes, A., Klessen, R. S., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Larson, K. L., Liu, D., Lopez, L. A., Meidt, S. E., Murphy, E. J., Sormani, M. C., Thilker, D. A., Watkins, E. J. (2023) "PHANGS-JWST First Results: Mapping the 3.3 μm Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Vibrational Band in Nearby Galaxies with NIRCam Medium Bands", The Astrophysical Journal, 944, L7.
Sandstrom, K. M., Koch, E. W., Leroy, A. K., Rosolowsky, E., Emsellem, E., Smith, R. J., Egorov, O. V., Williams, T. G., Larson, K. L., Lee, J. C., Schinnerer, E., Thilker, D. A., Barnes, A. T., Belfiore, F., Bigiel, F., Blanc, G. A., Bolatto, A. D., Boquien, M., Cao, Y., Chastenet, J., Chevance, M., Chiang, I.-D., Dale, D. A., Faesi, C. M., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Groves, B., Hassani, H., Henshaw, J. D., Hughes, A., Kim, J., Klessen, R. S., Kreckel, K., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Lopez, L. A., Liu, D., Meidt, S. E., Murphy, E. J., Pan, H.-A., Querejeta, M., Saito, T., Sardone, A., Sormani, M. C., Sutter, J., Usero, A., Watkins, E. J. (2023) "PHANGS-JWST First Results: Tracing the Diffuse Interstellar Medium with JWST Imaging of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emission in Nearby Galaxies", The Astrophysical Journal, 944, L8.
Sano, H., Yamane, Y., van Loon, J. T., Furuya, K., Fukui, Y., Alsaberi, R. Z. E., Bamba, A., Enokiya, R., Filipović, M. D., Indebetouw, R., Inoue, T., Kawamura, A., Lakićević, M., Law, C. J., Mizuno, N., Murase, T., Onishi, T., Park, S., Plucinsky, P. P., Rho, J., Richards, A. M. S., Rowell, G., Sasaki, M., Seok, J., Sharda, P., Staveley-Smith, L., Suzuki, H., Temim, T., Tokuda, K., Tsuge, K., Tachihara, K. (2023) "ALMA Observations of Supernova Remnant N49 in the Large Magellanic Cloud. II. Non-LTE Analysis of Shock-heated Molecular Clouds", The Astrophysical Journal, 958, 53.
Santini, P., Fontana, A., Castellano, M., Leethochawalit, N., Trenti, M., Treu, T., Belfiori, D., Birrer, S., Bonchi, A., Merlin, E., Mason, C., Morishita, T., Nonino, M., Paris, D., Polenta, G., Rosati, P., Yang, L., Boyett, K., Bradac, M., Calabrò, A., Dressler, A., Glazebrook, K., Marchesini, D., Mascia, S., Nanayakkara, T., Pentericci, L., Roberts-Borsani, G., Scarlata, C., Vulcani, B., Wang, X. (2023) "Early Results from GLASS-JWST. XI. Stellar Masses and Mass-to-light Ratio of z > 7 Galaxies", The Astrophysical Journal, 942, L27.
Santucci, G., Brough, S., van de Sande, J., McDermid, R., Barsanti, S., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Bryant, J. J., Croom, S. M., Lagos, C., Lawrence, J. S., Owers, M. S., van de Ven, G., Vaughan, S. P., Yi, S. K. (2023) "The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Environmental analysis of the orbital structures of passive galaxies", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521, 2671.
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Satyavolu, S., Eilers, A.-C., Kulkarni, G., Ryan-Weber, E., Davies, R. L., Becker, G. D., Bosman, S. E. I., Greig, B., Mazzucchelli, C., Bañados, E., Bischetti, M., D'Odorico, V., Fan, X., Farina, E. P., Haehnelt, M. G., Keating, L. C., Lai, S., Walter, F. (2023) "New quasar proximity zone size measurements at z 6 using the enlarged XQR-30 sample", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 522, 4918.
Saxena, A., Robertson, B. E., Bunker, A. J., Endsley, R., Cameron, A. J., Charlot, S., Simmonds, C., Tacchella, S., Witstok, J., Willott, C., Carniani, S., Curtis-Lake, E., Ferruit, P., Jakobsen, P., Arribas, S., Chevallard, J., Curti, M., D'Eugenio, F., De Graaff, A., Jones, G. C., Looser, T. J., Maseda, M. V., Rawle, T., Rix, H.-W., Del Pino, B. R., Smit, R., Übler, H., Eisenstein, D. J., Hainline, K., Hausen, R., Johnson, B. D., Rieke, M., Williams, C. C., Willmer, C. N. A., Baker, W. M., Bhatawdekar, R., Bowler, R., Boyett, K., Chen, Z., Egami, E., Ji, Z., Kumari, N., Nelson, E., Perna, M., Sandles, L., Scholtz, J., Shivaei, I. (2023) "JADES: Discovery of extremely high equivalent width Lyman-α emission from a faint galaxy within an ionized bubble at z = 7.3", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 678, A68.
Scheuermann, F., Kreckel, K., Barnes, A. T., Belfiore, F., Groves, B., Hannon, S., Lee, J. C., Minsley, R., Rosolowsky, E., Bigiel, F., Blanc, G. A., Boquien, M., Dale, D. A., Deger, S., Egorov, O. V., Emsellem, E., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Hassani, H., Jeffreson, S. M. R., Klessen, R. S., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Larson, K. L., Leroy, A. K., Lopez, L. A., Pan, H.-A., Sánchez-Blázquez, P., Santoro, F., Schinnerer, E., Thilker, D. A., Whitmore, B. C., Watkins, E. J., Williams, T. G. (2023) "Stellar associations powering H II regions - I. Defining an evolutionary sequence", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 522, 2369.
Schinnerer, E., Emsellem, E., Henshaw, J. D., Liu, D., Meidt, S. E., Querejeta, M., Renaud, F., Sormani, M. C., Sun, J., Egorov, O. V., Larson, K. L., Leroy, A. K., Rosolowsky, E., Sandstrom, K. M., Williams, T. G., Barnes, A. T., Bigiel, F., Chevance, M., Cao, Y., Chandar, R., Dale, D. A., Eibensteiner, C., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Hannon, S., Hassani, H., Kim, J., Klessen, R. S., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Murphy, E. J., Neumann, J., Pan, H.-A., Pety, J., Saito, T., Stuber, S. K., Treß, R. G., Usero, A., Watkins, E. J., Whitmore, B. C., Phangs (2023) "PHANGS-JWST First Results: Rapid Evolution of Star Formation in the Central Molecular Gas Ring of NGC 1365", The Astrophysical Journal, 944, L15.
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Sharda, P., Amarsi, A. M., Grasha, K., Krumholz, M. R., Yong, D., Chiaki, G., Roy, A., Nordlander, T. (2023) "The impact of carbon and oxygen abundances on the metal-poor initial mass function", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518, 3985.
Sharda, P., Amarsi, A. M., Grasha, K., Krumholz, M. R., Yong, D., Chiaki, G., Roy, A., Nordlander, T. (2023) "Correction to 'The impact of carbon and oxygen abundances on the metal-poor initial mass function'", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525, 3316.
Sharma, S., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Silk, J., Boehm, C. (2023) "Can radial motions in the stellar halo constrain the rate of change of mass in the Galaxy?", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521, 4074.
Shipp, N., Panithanpaisal, N., Necib, L., Sanderson, R., Erkal, D., Li, T. S., Santistevan, I. B., Wetzel, A., Cullinane, L. R., Ji, A. P., Koposov, S. E., Kuehn, K., Lewis, G. F., Pace, A. B., Zucker, D. B., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Cunningham, E. C., Kim, S. Y., Lilleengen, S., Moreno, J., Sharma, S., S Collaboration, FIRE Collaboration (2023) "Streams on FIRE: Populations of Detectable Stellar Streams in the Milky Way and FIRE", The Astrophysical Journal, 949, 44.
Simha, S., Lee, K.-G., Prochaska, J. X., Khrykin, I. S., Huang, Y., Tejos, N., Marnoch, L., Ata, M., Bernales, L., Bhandari, S., Cooke, J., Deller, A. T., Ryder, S. D., Zhang, J. (2023) "Searching for the Sources of Excess Extragalactic Dispersion of FRBs", The Astrophysical Journal, 954, 71.
Simmonds, C., Tacchella, S., Maseda, M., Williams, C. C., Baker, W. M., Witten, C. E. C., Johnson, B. D., Robertson, B., Saxena, A., Sun, F., Witstok, J., Bhatawdekar, R., Boyett, K., Bunker, A. J., Charlot, S., Curtis-Lake, E., Egami, E., Eisenstein, D. J., Ji, Z., Maiolino, R., Sandles, L., Smit, R., Übler, H., Willott, C. J. (2023) "The ionizing photon production efficiency at z 6 for Lyman-alpha emitters using JEMS and MUSE", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523, 5468.
Simunovic, M., Puzia, T. H., Miller, B., Carrasco, E. R., Dotter, A., Cassisi, S., Monty, S., Stetson, P. (2023) "The GeMS/GSAOI Galactic Globular Cluster Survey (G4CS). II. Characterization of 47 Tuc with Bayesian Statistics", The Astrophysical Journal, 950, 135.
Smail, I., Dudzevičiūtė, U., Gurwell, M., Fazio, G. G., Willner, S. P., Swinbank, A. M., Arumugam, V., Summers, J., Cohen, S. H., Jansen, R. A., Windhorst, R. A., Meena, A., Zitrin, A., Keel, W. C., Cheng, C., Coe, D., Conselice, C. J., D'Silva, J. C. J., Driver, S. P., Frye, B., Grogin, N. A., Koekemoer, A. M., Marshall, M. A., Nonino, M., Pirzkal, N., Robotham, A., Rutkowski, M. J., Ryan, R. E., Tompkins, S., Willmer, C. N. A., Yan, H., Broadhurst, T. J., Diego, J. M., Kamieneski, P., Yun, M. (2023) "Hidden Giants in JWST's PEARLS: An Ultramassive z = 4.26 Submillimeter Galaxy that Is Invisible to HST", The Astrophysical Journal, 958, 36.
Sormani, M. C., Barnes, A. T., Sun, J., Stuber, S. K., Schinnerer, E., Emsellem, E., Leroy, A. K., Glover, S. C. O., Henshaw, J. D., Meidt, S. E., Neumann, J., Querejeta, M., Williams, T. G., Bigiel, F., Eibensteiner, C., Fragkoudi, F., Levy, R. C., Grasha, K., Klessen, R. S., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Neumayer, N., Pinna, F., Rosolowsky, E. W., Smith, R. J., Teng, Y.-H., Tress, R. G., Watkins, E. J. (2023) "Fuelling the nuclear ring of NGC 1097", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523, 2918.
Stiavelli, M., Morishita, T., Chiaberge, M., Grillo, C., Leethochawalit, N., Rosati, P., Schuldt, S., Trenti, M., Treu, T. (2023) "The Puzzling Properties of the MACS1149-JD1 Galaxy at z = 9.11", The Astrophysical Journal, 957, L18.
Stokholm, A., Aguirre Børsen-Koch, V., Stello, D., Hon, M., Reyes, C. (2023) "A unified exploration of the chronology of the Galaxy", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 524, 1634.
Stuber, S. K., Schinnerer, E., Williams, T. G., Querejeta, M., Meidt, S., Emsellem, É., Barnes, A., Klessen, R. S., Leroy, A. K., Neumann, J., Sormani, M. C., Bigiel, F., Chevance, M., Dale, D., Faesi, C., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Liu, D., Pan, H.-. an ., Pety, J., Pinna, F., Saito, T., Usero, A., Watkins, E. J. (2023) "The gas morphology of nearby star-forming galaxies", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 676, A113.
Su, R., Gu, M., Curran, S. J., Mahony, E. K., Tang, N., Allison, J. R., Li, D., Zhu, M., Aditya, J. N. H. S., Yoon, H., Zheng, Z., Wu, Z. (2023) "FAST Discovery of a Fast Neutral Hydrogen Outflow", The Astrophysical Journal, 956, L28.
Su, R., Mahony, E. K., Gu, M., Sadler, E. M., Curran, S. J., Allison, J. R., Yoon, H., Aditya, J. N. H. S., Chandola, Y., Chen, Y., Moss, V. A., Wu, Z., Shao, X., Liu, X., Glowacki, M., Whiting, M. T., Weng, S. (2023) "Does a radio jet drive the massive multiphase outflow in the ultra-luminous infrared galaxy IRAS 10565 + 2448?", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520, 5712.
Summers, J., Windhorst, R. A., Cohen, S. H., Jansen, R. A., Carleton, T., Kamieneski, P. S., Holwerda, B. W., Conselice, C. J., Adams, N. J., Frye, B. L., Diego, J. M., Willmer, C. N. A., Ortiz, R., Cheng, C., Pigarelli, A., Robotham, A., D'Silva, J. C. J., Tompkins, S., Driver, S. P., Yan, H., Coe, D., Grogin, N., Koekemoer, A. M., Marshall, M. A., Pirzkal, N., Ryan, R. E. (2023) "Magellanic System Stars Identified in SMACS J0723.3-7327 James Webb Space Telescope Early Release Observations Images", The Astrophysical Journal, 958, 108.
Sun, F., Egami, E., Pirzkal, N., Rieke, M., Baum, S., Boyer, M., Boyett, K., Bunker, A. J., Cameron, A. J., Curti, M., Eisenstein, D. J., Gennaro, M., Greene, T. P., Jaffe, D., Kelly, D., Koekemoer, A. M., Kumari, N., Maiolino, R., Maseda, M., Perna, M., Rest, A., Robertson, B. E., Schlawin, E., Smit, R., Stansberry, J., Sunnquist, B., Tacchella, S., Williams, C. C., Willmer, C. N. A. (2023) "First Sample of Hα+[O III]λ5007 Line Emitters at z > 6 Through JWST/NIRCam Slitless Spectroscopy: Physical Properties and Line-luminosity Functions", The Astrophysical Journal, 953, 53.
Sun, J., Leroy, A. K., Ostriker, E. C., Meidt, S., Rosolowsky, E., Schinnerer, E., Wilson, C. D., Utomo, D., Belfiore, F., Blanc, G. A., Emsellem, E., Faesi, C., Groves, B., Hughes, A., Koch, E. W., Kreckel, K., Liu, D., Pan, H.-A., Pety, J., Querejeta, M., Razza, A., Saito, T., Sardone, A., Usero, A., Williams, T. G., Bigiel, F., Bolatto, A. D., Chevance, M., Dale, D. A., Gensior, J., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Henshaw, J. D., Jiménez-Donaire, M. J., Klessen, R. S., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Murphy, E. J., Neumann, L., Teng, Y.-H., Thilker, D. A. (2023) "Star Formation Laws and Efficiencies across 80 Nearby Galaxies", The Astrophysical Journal, 945, L19.
Surnis, M. P., Rajwade, K. M., Stappers, B. W., Younes, G., Bezuidenhout, M. C., Caleb, M., Driessen, L. N., Jankowski, F., Malenta, M., Morello, V., Sanidas, S., Barr, E., Kramer, M., Fender, R., Woudt, P. (2023) "Discovery of an extremely intermittent periodic radio source", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526, L143.
Szakacs, R., Péroux, C., Nelson, D., Zwaan, M. A., Grün, D., Weng, S., Fresco, A. Y., Bollo, V., Casavecchia, B. (2023) "The BarYon Cycle project (ByCycle): identifying and localizing Mg II metal absorbers with machine learning", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526, 3744.
Tacchella, S., Eisenstein, D. J., Hainline, K., Johnson, B. D., Baker, W. M., Helton, J. M., Robertson, B., Suess, K. A., Chen, Z., Nelson, E., Puskás, D., Sun, F., Alberts, S., Egami, E., Hausen, R., Rieke, G., Rieke, M., Shivaei, I., Williams, C. C., Willmer, C. N. A., Bunker, A., Cameron, A. J., Carniani, S., Charlot, S., Curti, M., Curtis-Lake, E., Looser, T. J., Maiolino, R., Maseda, M. V., Rawle, T., Rix, H.-W., Smit, R., Übler, H., Willott, C., Witstok, J., Baum, S., Bhatawdekar, R., Boyett, K., Danhaive, A. L., de Graaff, A., Endsley, R., Ji, Z., Lyu, J., Sandles, L., Saxena, A., Scholtz, J., Topping, M. W., Whitler, L. (2023) "JADES Imaging of GN-z11: Revealing the Morphology and Environment of a Luminous Galaxy 430 Myr after the Big Bang", The Astrophysical Journal, 952, 74.
Tang, J.-J., Wolf, C., Tonry, J., Lai, S., Yong, S. Y., Steyn, Z. (2023) "Probing quasar viewing angle with the variability structure function", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523, 4441.
Teh, J. W., Grasha, K., Krumholz, M. R., Battisti, A. J., Calzetti, D., Rousseau-Nepton, L., Rhea, C., Adamo, A., Kennicutt, R. C., Grebel, E. K., Cook, D. O., Combes, F., Messa, M., Linden, S. T., Klessen, R. S., Vilchez, J. M., Fumagalli, M., McLeod, A., Smith, L. J., Chemin, L., Wang, J., Sabbi, E., Sacchi, E., Petric, A., Della Bruna, L., Boselli, A. (2023) "Constraining the LyC escape fraction from LEGUS star clusters with SIGNALS H II region observations: a pilot study of NGC 628", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 524, 1191.
Thekkeppattu, J. N., Trott, C. M., McKinley, B. (2023) "Singular spectrum analysis of time series data from low-frequency radiometers, with an application to SITARA data", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520, 6040.
Thiesset, F., Federrath, C. (2023) "Structure of iso-density sets in supersonic isothermal turbulence", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 676, A12.
Thomas, M., Trenti, M., Sanna, A., Campana, R., Ghirlanda, G., Řípa, J., Burderi, L., Fiore, F., Evangelista, Y., Amati, L., Barraclough, S., Auchettl, K., del Castillo, M. O., Chapman, A., Citossi, M., Colagrossi, A., Dilillo, G., Deiosso, N., Demenev, E., Longo, F., Marino, A., McRobbie, J., Mearns, R., Melandri, A., Riggio, A., Di Salvo, T., Puccetti, S., Topinka, M. (2023) "Localisation of gamma-ray bursts from the combined SpIRIT+HERMES-TP/SP nano-satellite constellation", Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 40, e008.
Thomson, A. J. M., McConnell, D., Lenc, E., Galvin, T. J., Rudnick, L., Heald, G., Hale, C. L., Duchesne, S. W., Anderson, C. S., Carretti, E., Federrath, C., Gaensler, B. M., Harvey-Smith, L., Haverkorn, M., Hotan, A. W., Ma, Y. K., Murphy, T., McClure-Griffiths, N. M., Moss, V. A., O'Sullivan, S. P., Raja, W., Seta, A., Van Eck, C. L., West, J. L., Whiting, M. T., Wieringa, M. H. (2023) "The Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey III: Spectra and Polarisation In Cutouts of Extragalactic Sources (SPICE-RACS) first data release", Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 40, e040.
Tiwari, H., McKinley, B., Trott, C. M., Thyagarajan, N. (2023) "Measuring the global 21-cm signal with the MWA-II: improved characterisation of lunar-reflected radio frequency interference", Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 40, e055.
Tompkins, S. A., Driver, S. P., Robotham, A. S. G., Windhorst, R. A., Lagos, C. del P., Vernstrom, T., Hopkins, A. M. (2023) "The cosmic radio background from 150 MHz to 8.4 GHz and its division into AGN and star-forming galaxy flux", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521, 332.
Treu, T., Calabrò, A., Castellano, M., Leethochawalit, N., Merlin, E., Fontana, A., Yang, L., Morishita, T., Trenti, M., Dressler, A., Mason, C., Paris, D., Pentericci, L., Roberts-Borsani, G., Vulcani, B., Boyett, K., Bradac, M., Glazebrook, K., Jones, T., Marchesini, D., Mascia, S., Nanayakkara, T., Santini, P., Strait, V., Vanzella, E., Wang, X. (2023) "Early Results From GLASS-JWST. XII. The Morphology of Galaxies at the Epoch of Reionization", The Astrophysical Journal, 942, L28.
Triani, D. P., Croton, D. J., Sinha, M., Taylor, E. N., Pacifici, C., Dwek, E. (2023) "Dust contribution to the panchromatic galaxy emission", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519, 2500.
Trump, J. R., Arrabal Haro, P., Simons, R. C., Backhaus, B. E., Amorín, R. O., Dickinson, M., Fernández, V., Papovich, C., Nicholls, D. C., Kewley, L. J., Brunker, S. W., Salzer, J. J., Wilkins, S. M., Almaini, O., Bagley, M. B., Berg, D. A., Bhatawdekar, R., Bisigello, L., Buat, V., Burgarella, D., Calabrò, A., Casey, C. M., Ciesla, L., Cleri, N. J., Cole, J. W., Cooper, M. C., Cooray, A. R., Costantin, L., Croton, D., Ferguson, H. C., Finkelstein, S. L., Fujimoto, S., Gardner, J. P., Gawiser, E., Giavalisco, M., Grazian, A., Grogin, N. A., Hathi, N. P., Hirschmann, M., Holwerda, B. W., Huertas-Company, M., Hutchison, T. A., Jogee, S., Juneau, S., Jung, I., Kartaltepe, J. S., Kirkpatrick, A., Kocevski, D. D., Koekemoer, A. M., Lotz, J. M., and 16 colleagues (2023) "The Physical Conditions of Emission-line Galaxies at Cosmic Dawn from JWST/NIRSpec Spectroscopy in the SMACS 0723 Early Release Observations", The Astrophysical Journal, 945, 35.
Tsukui, T., Wisnioski, E., Krumholz, M. R., Battisti, A. (2023) "Spatially resolved dust properties and quasar-galaxy decomposition of a hyper-luminous infrared galaxy at z = 4.4", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523, 4654.
Turner, R. J., Yates-Jones, P. M., Shabala, S. S., Quici, B., Stewart, G. S. C. (2023) "RAiSE: simulation-based analytical model of AGN jets and lobes", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518, 945.
van Dokkum, P., Pasha, I., Buzzo, M. L., LaMassa, S., Shen, Z., Keim, M. A., Abraham, R., Conroy, C., Danieli, S., Mitra, K., Nagai, D., Natarajan, P., Romanowsky, A. J., Tremblay, G., Urry, C. M., van den Bosch, F. C. (2023) "A Candidate Runaway Supermassive Black Hole Identified by Shocks and Star Formation in its Wake", The Astrophysical Journal, 946, L50.
van Kampen, E., Lacy, M., Farrah, D., Lagos, C. del P., Jarvis, M., Maraston, C., Nyland, K., Oliver, S., Surace, J., Thorne, J. (2023) "The Spitzer Extragalactic Representative Volume Survey and DeepDrill extension: clustering of near-infrared galaxies", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523, 251.
Ventura, E. M., Trinca, A., Schneider, R., Graziani, L., Valiante, R., Wyithe, J. S. B. (2023) "The role of Pop III stars and early black holes in the 21-cm signal from Cosmic Dawn", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520, 3609.
Vogrinčič, R., Kos, J., Zwitter, T., Traven, G., Beeson, K. L., Čotar, K., Munari, U., Buder, S., Martell, S. L., Lewis, G. F., De Silva, G. M., Hayden, M. R., Bland-Hawthorn, J., D'Orazi, V. (2023) "The GALAH survey: new diffuse interstellar bands found in residuals of 872 000 stellar spectra", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521, 3727.
Vulcani, B., Treu, T., Calabrò, A., Fritz, J., Poggianti, B. M., Bergamini, P., Bonchi, A., Boyett, K., Caminha, G. B., Castellano, M., Dressler, A., Fontana, A., Glazebrook, K., Grillo, C., Malkan, M. A., Mascia, S., Mercurio, A., Merlin, E., Metha, B., Morishita, T., Nanayakkara, T., Paris, D., Roberts-Borsani, G., Rosati, P., Roy, N., Santini, P., Trenti, M., Vanzella, E., Wang, X. (2023) "Early Results from GLASS-JWST. XX. Unveiling a Population of "Red Excess" Galaxies in Abell2744 and in the Coeval Field", The Astrophysical Journal, 948, L15.
Wang, A. H., Brown, R., Bryant, J. J., Leon-Saval, S. (2023) "Focal ratio degradation in optical fibres for the Hector integral field units", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 522, 4310.
Wang, D., Lagos, C. D. P., Croom, S. M., Wright, R. J., Bahé, Y. M., Bryant, J. J., van de Sande, J., Vaughan, S. P. (2023) "Star formation concentration as a tracer of environmental quenching in action: a study of the EAGLE and C-EAGLE simulations", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523, 6020.
Wang, J., Yang, D., Oh, S.-H., Staveley-Smith, L., Wang, J., Wang, Q. D., Hess, K. M., Ho, L. C., Hou, L., Jing, Y., Kamphuis, P., Li, F., Lin, X., Liu, Z., Shao, L., Wang, S., Zhu, M. (2023) "FEASTS: IGM Cooling Triggered by Tidal Interactions through the Diffuse H I Phase around NGC 4631", The Astrophysical Journal, 944, 102.
Wang, L. H., Su, J., Shen, Y. P., He, J. J., Lugaro, M., Szányi, B., Karakas, A. I., Zhang, L. Y., Li, X. Y., Guo, B., Lian, G., Li, Z. H., Wang, Y. B., Chen, L. H., Cui, B. Q., Tang, X. D., Gao, B. S., Wu, Q., Sun, L. T., Wang, S., Sheng, Y. D., Chen, Y. J., Zhang, H., Li, Z. M., Song, L. Y., Jiang, X. Z., Nan, W., Nan, W. K., Zhang, L., Cao, F. Q., Jiao, T. Y., Ru, L. H., Cheng, J. P., Wiescher, M., Liu, W. P. (2023) "Measurement of the O 18 (α ,γ )Ne 22 Reaction Rate at JUNA and its Impact on Probing the Origin of SiC Grains", Physical Review Letters, 130, 092701.
Wang, P.-Y., Goto, T., Ho, S. C.-C., Lin, Y.-W., Wu, C. K.-W., Ling, C.-T., Hashimoto, T., Kim, S. J., Hsiao, T. Y.-Y. (2023) "A T-dwarf candidate from JWST early release NIRCam data", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523, 4534.
Wang, Q., Armstrong, P., Zenati, Y., Ridden-Harper, R., Rest, A., Arcavi, I., Kilpatrick, C. D., Foley, R. J., Tucker, B. E., Lidman, C., Killestein, T. L., Shahbandeh, M., Anderson, J. P., Angulo, R., Ashall, C., Burke, J., Chen, T.-W., von Coelln, S., Dalrymple, K. A., Davis, K. W., Fulton, M. D., Galbany, L., Padilla Gonzalez, E., Gao, B., Gromadzki, M., Howell, D. A., Ihanec, N., Jencson, J. E., Jones, D. O., Lyman, J. D., McCully, C., Müller-Bravo, T. E., Newsome, M., Nicholl, M., O'Neill, D., Pellegrino, C., Rest, S., Smartt, S. J., Smith, K., Srivastav, S., Terreran, G., Tinyanont, S., Young, D. R., Zenteno, A. (2023) "Revealing the Progenitor of SN 2021zby through Analysis of the TESS Shock-cooling Light Curve", The Astrophysical Journal, 943, L15.
Watkins, E. J., Barnes, A. T., Henny, K., Kim, H., Kreckel, K., Meidt, S. E., Klessen, R. S., Glover, S. C. O., Williams, T. G., Keller, B. W., Leroy, A. K., Rosolowsky, E., Lee, J. C., Anand, G. S., Belfiore, F., Bigiel, F., Blanc, G. A., Boquien, M., Cao, Y., Chandar, R., Chen, N. M., Chevance, M., Congiu, E., Dale, D. A., Deger, S., Egorov, O. V., Emsellem, E., Faesi, C. M., Grasha, K., Groves, B., Hassani, H., Henshaw, J. D., Herrera, C., Hughes, A., Jeffreson, S., Jiménez-Donaire, M. J., Koch, E. W., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Larson, K. L., Liu, D., Lopez, L. A., Pessa, I., Pety, J., Querejeta, M., Saito, T., Sandstrom, K., Scheuermann, F., Schinnerer, E., Sormani, M. C., Stuber, S. K., and 3 colleagues (2023) "PHANGS-JWST First Results: A Statistical View on Bubble Evolution in NGC 628", The Astrophysical Journal, 944, L24.
Watts, A. B., Cortese, L., Catinella, B., Brown, T., Wilson, C. D., Zabel, N., Roberts, I. D., Davis, T. A., Thorp, M., Chung, A., Stevens, A. R. H., Ellison, S. L., Spekkens, K., Parker, L. C., Bahé, Y. M., Villanueva, V., Jiménez-Donaire, M., Bisaria, D., Boselli, A., Bolatto, A. D., Lee, B. (2023) "VERTICO V: The environmentally driven evolution of the inner cold gas discs of Virgo cluster galaxies", Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 40, e017.
Watts, A. B., Cortese, L., Catinella, B., Power, C., Fraser-McKelvie, A., Bryant, J. J., Croom, S. M., van de Sande, J., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Groves, B. (2023) "SAMI-H I: the connection between global asymmetry in the ionized and neutral atomic hydrogen gas in galaxies", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519, 1452.
Weaver, J. R., Davidzon, I., Toft, S., Ilbert, O., McCracken, H. J., Gould, K. M. L., Jespersen, C. K., Steinhardt, C., Lagos, C. D. P., Capak, P. L., Casey, C. M., Chartab, N., Faisst, A. L., Hayward, C. C., Kartaltepe, J. S., Kauffmann, O. B., Koekemoer, A. M., Kokorev, V., Laigle, C., Liu, D., Long, A., Magdis, G. E., McPartland, C. J. R., Milvang-Jensen, B., Mobasher, B., Moneti, A., Peng, Y., Sanders, D. B., Shuntov, M., Sneppen, A., Valentino, F., Zalesky, L., Zamorani, G. (2023) "COSMOS2020: The galaxy stellar mass function. The assembly and star formation cessation of galaxies at 0.2< z ≤ 7.5 ", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 677, A184.
Welch, B., Coe, D., Diego, J. M., Zitrin, A., Zackrisson, E., Dimauro, P., Jiménez-Teja, Y., Kelly, P., Mahler, G., Oguri, M., Timmes, F. X., Windhorst, R., Florian, M., de Mink, S. E., Avila, R. J., Anderson, J., Bradley, L., Sharon, K., Vikaeus, A., McCandliss, S., Bradač, M., Rigby, J., Frye, B., Toft, S., Strait, V., Trenti, M., Sharma, S., Andrade-Santos, F., Broadhurst, T. (2023) "Author Correction: A highly magnified star at redshift 6.2", Nature, 620, E10.
Weng, S., Péroux, C., Karki, A., Augustin, R., Kulkarni, V. P., Hamanowicz, A., Zwaan, M., Sadler, E. M., Nelson, D., Hayes, M. J., Kacprzak, G. G., Fox, A. J., Bollo, V., Casavecchia, B., Szakacs, R. (2023) "MUSE-ALMA Haloes XI: gas flows in the circumgalactic medium", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523, 676.
Weng, S., Péroux, C., Karki, A., Augustin, R., Kulkarni, V. P., Szakacs, R., Zwaan, M. A., Klitsch, A., Hamanowicz, A., Sadler, E. M., Biggs, A., Fresco, A. Y., Hayes, M., Howk, J. C., Kacprzak, G. G., Kuntschner, H., Nelson, D., Pettini, M. (2023) "MUSE-ALMA Haloes - VIII. Statistical study of circumgalactic medium gas", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519, 931.
Wheeler, A. J., Abruzzo, M. W., Casey, A. R., Ness, M. K. (2023) "KORG: A Modern 1D LTE Spectral Synthesis Package", The Astronomical Journal, 165, 68.
Wibking, B. D., Krumholz, M. R. (2023) "The global structure of magnetic fields and gas in simulated Milky Way-analogue galaxies", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521, 5972.
Wilensky, M. J., Morales, M. F., Hazelton, B. J., Star, P. L., Barry, N., Byrne, R., Jordan, C. H., Jacobs, D. C., Pober, J. C., Trott, C. M. (2023) "Evidence of Ultrafaint Radio Frequency Interference in Deep 21 cm Epoch of Reionization Power Spectra with the Murchison Wide-field Array", The Astrophysical Journal, 957, 78.
Wilkinson, M. J., Ludlow, A. D., Lagos, C. del P., Fall, S. M., Schaye, J., Obreschkow, D. (2023) "The impact of spurious collisional heating on the morphological evolution of simulated galactic discs", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519, 5942.
Williams, C. C., Tacchella, S., Maseda, M. V., Robertson, B. E., Johnson, B. D., Willott, C. J., Eisenstein, D. J., Willmer, C. N. A., Ji, Z., Hainline, K. N., Helton, J. M., Alberts, S., Baum, S., Bhatawdekar, R., Boyett, K., Bunker, A. J., Carniani, S., Charlot, S., Chevallard, J., Curtis-Lake, E., de Graaff, A., Egami, E., Franx, M., Kumari, N., Maiolino, R., Nelson, E. J., Rieke, M. J., Sandles, L., Shivaei, I., Simmonds, C., Smit, R., Suess, K. A., Sun, F., Übler, H., Witstok, J. (2023) "JEMS: A Deep Medium-band Imaging Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field with JWST NIRCam and NIRISS", The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 268, 64.
Willner, S. P., Gim, H. B., Polletta, M. del C., Cohen, S. H., Willmer, C. N. A., Zhao, X., D'Silva, J. C. J., Jansen, R. A., Koekemoer, A. M., Summers, J., Windhorst, R. A., Coe, D., Conselice, C. J., Driver, S. P., Frye, B., Grogin, N. A., Marshall, M. A., Nonino, M., Ortiz, R., Pirzkal, N., Robotham, A., Rutkowski, M. J., Ryan, R. E., Tompkins, S., Yan, H., Hammel, H. B., Milam, S. N., Adams, N. J., Beacom, J. F., Bhatawdekar, R., Cheng, C., Civano, F., Cotton, W., Hyun, M., Kikuta, S., Nyland, K. E., Peters, W. M., Petric, A., Röttgering, H. J. A., Shimwell, T., Yun, M. S. (2023) "PEARLS: JWST Counterparts of Microjansky Radio Sources in the Time Domain Field", The Astrophysical Journal, 958, 176.
Wilson, T. A., Casey, A. R. (2023) "Stellar spots cause measurable variations in atmospheric metallicity", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 524, 731.
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Windhorst, R. A., Cohen, S. H., Jansen, R. A., Summers, J., Tompkins, S., Conselice, C. J., Driver, S. P., Yan, H., Coe, D., Frye, B., Grogin, N., Koekemoer, A., Marshall, M. A., O'Brien, R., Pirzkal, N., Robotham, A., Ryan, R. E., Willmer, C. N. A., Carleton, T., Diego, J. M., Keel, W. C., Porto, P., Redshaw, C., Scheller, S., Wilkins, S. M., Willner, S. P., Zitrin, A., Adams, N. J., Austin, D., Arendt, R. G., Beacom, J. F., Bhatawdekar, R. A., Bradley, L. D., Broadhurst, T., Cheng, C., Civano, F., Dai, L., Dole, H., D'Silva, J. C. J., Duncan, K. J., Fazio, G. G., Ferrami, G., Ferreira, L., Finkelstein, S. L., Furtak, L. J., Gim, H. B., Griffiths, A., Hammel, H. B., Harrington, K. C., Hathi, N. P., and 35 colleagues (2023) "JWST PEARLS. Prime Extragalactic Areas for Reionization and Lensing Science: Project Overview and First Results", The Astronomical Journal, 165, 13.
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