August’s Monthly Media comes from PhD student Mike Kriele, who shares with us his winning poster and short video presentation for the Annual Scientific Meeting 2021 run by the Astronomical Society of Australia. They give a brief overview of Mike’s research during his PhD, and are aimed at his fellow astronomers.
Sound up! Mike talks through the why and what of his PhD thesis, as he helps to unravel the mysteries of the first stars and galaxies to form in the Universe. At the end you’ll see his poster, which is also shown below.

These types of posters are ubiquitous in science. Love them or hate them, all post-graduate students have made and presented a number of these to their fellow scientists. This one gives a brief overview of Mike’s PhD research to date and won the best student poster for 2021.
Hungry for more? This Monthly Media article from February 2019 discusses Mike’s image pipeline from when he was using simulated data as a test. Having shown the simulated data gave the expected results, the above poster and presentation show the same image pipeline using real astronomical data collected by the Engineering Development Array 2.