Galaxy Evolution

The Galaxy Evolution team, led by Associate Investigator, Kim-Vy Tran, aims to understand:

    • how chemical elements accumulate in galaxies and their surroundings;
    • how visible and dark matter assemble within galaxies; and
    • how ionising radiation is produced and escapes galaxies

over 12 billion years of cosmic time.

This project bridges the First Galaxies program with nearby galaxies observed with SAMI and Hector, and complements ASKAP observations of the cool gas in galaxies.

The search for distant galaxies

To form a comprehensive picture of how galaxies formed and evolved, the ASTRO 3D Galaxy Evolution (GE) Project tracks how gas, stars, and dark matter evolve by combining deep spectroscopy with multi-wavelength imaging. The GE Project is unified behind three primary programs focussed on ionisation, chemical evolution, and mass assembly of galaxies, delivering a unique portfolio that bridges individual stars to the most massive galaxies.

Building on the GE team’s extensive experience, we capitalise on Australia’s access to 8 – 10m class telescopes to obtain innovative observations that test cutting-edge cosmological simulations. By weaving together small- to large-scale projects developed across the A3D institutions, the GE Project:

  • applies advanced data mining techniques to large surveys, e.g. the Dark Energy Survey, to comb through large cosmic volumes and discover rare gravitational lenses;
  • uses powerful telescopes to measure the build-up of cosmic mass in lensed galaxies and gain a magnified view of their chemical evolution and ionisation;
  • determine the composition and state of the diffuse material in intergalactic space with absorption-line spectroscopy of distant quasars; and
  • study Lyman continuum (ionising) galaxies to measure the escape fractions of ionising radiation, a crucial parameter for the Genesis Simulations.

The discoveries by the GE Project help understand the foregrounds in the MWA EoR data, and their history will be compared with the archaeological history of the Milky Way from the GALAH survey. Our studies also bridge the First Galaxies by observing nearby galaxies with SAMI and Hector, and complements ASKAP observations of the cool gas in galaxies. We also train emerging leaders to design projects for the exciting next generation of international observatories coming online in the next decade, e.g. the GMT, E-ELT, LSST, and JWST.


ASTRO 3D Galaxy Evolution Team members now lead several large surveys of galaxies. Click on the links below to find out more:

A MUSE Large Program to study galaxies in the middle ages

The Middle Ages Galaxy Properties with Integral Field Spectroscopy (MAGPI) survey is a large program on the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope, using the Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) to obtain spatially-resolved spectroscopy of stars and ionised gas for galaxies in a range of environments 3-4 Gyrs ago.

Our sample amounts to more than a hundred galaxies and will reveal the mechanisms responsible for the morpho-kinematic variety of today’s massive galaxies.

Named after the beautiful wine regions in Germany, The Multi-Object Spectroscopic Emission Line (MOSEL) survey is an ongoing survey of star-forming galaxies around 12 billion light years away. The main objective is to identify factors affecting the rise and fall of star formation activity in young galaxies.

Our targets include galaxies at z=3-4 that show intense star-forming activity. These are analogues to galaxies during the epoch of reionisation. They will help us estimate the production efficiency of hydrogen-ionising photons and the growth of the ionisation bubbles created by the “first galaxies” in the first billion years.

DUVET is a survey of 30 starbursting disk galaxies with KCWI on Keck Telescope. DUVET is a collaborative project with time from Swinburne University, University of California and NASA allocations. The hyper-sensitivity of the recently commissioned Keck Cosmic Web Imager allows us to probe super faint features previously unobtainable in routine observations.

galaxy evolution project leadership

Deanne Fisher
Deanne FisherChief Investigator
Richard McDermid
Richard McDermidChief Investigator
Kim-Vy Tran
Kim-Vy TranChief Investigator
Emily Wisnioski
Emily WisnioskiChief Investigator
Emma Ryan-Weber
Emma Ryan-WeberChief Investigator

latest in galaxy evolution