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When:  2pm AEST, Friday 5 February 2021
Presenter: Prof Lisa Kewley, ASTRO 3D – ANU
Join via zoom: https://anu.zoom.us/j/86213326771?pwd=cVhCSXpRdWdXOEk2QWphVEZ3aDlIdz09

The ARC Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D) is a $40M Centre of Excellence, which is producing a comprehensive picture of the accumulation of mass, angular momentum, and the chemical elements from the first stars, to (and including) the Milky Way. Our surveys include the measurement of the power spectrum at the Epoch of Reionization with the Murchison Widefield Array, large HI surveys with the Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder, the ongoing Australian optical integral field surveys of 10^5 galaxies, a large galaxy evolution program combining HST, Keck, and ESO spectroscopy of galaxies from z=6 to z=0.5, and the major Australian Galactic Archaeology program to track the chemical history and accretion history of our Milky Way using the Anglo Australian Telescope. I will describe the recent discoveries made in ASTRO 3D, our preparation for JWST spectral analysis, as well as providing an update on our ambitious equity and diversity programs, and our nationwide education and public outreach programs.

Lisa Kewley is a Professor and Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow at the Australian National University. Kewley obtained her PhD in 2002 from the Australian National University on the connection between star-formation and supermassive black holes in infrared galaxies. Prof. Kewley received a CfA fellowship Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics where she worked on the star formation and chemical properties of nearby galaxies. In 2004, Prof. Kewley received a NASA Hubble Fellowship which she took to the University of Hawaii. There, she used the Keck and Subaru telescopes on Mauna Kea to understand the star formation and chemical abundances in galaxies in the distant universe. Kewley is an established world leader in the theoretical modelling and observation of star-forming and active galaxies. Her seminal contributions include understanding the gas physics in star-forming galaxies, understanding galaxies containing actively accreting supermassive black holes, and tracing the star-formation and oxygen history of galaxies over the past 12 billion years. Kewley’s most recent research combines stellar evolution and photoionisation models with 3D integral field spectroscopy to understand the physical processes that transform galaxies.

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