Travel support

Each ASTRO 3D Node has a budget for travel costs for its investigators, students, and postdocs. For most funding or resource requirements, in the first instance you should contact your supervisor or Node leader:

ANU – Emily Wisnioski
Swinburne – Emma Ryan-Weber
University of Sydney – Scott Croom
UWA – Chris Power
University of Melbourne – Michele Trenti
Curtin University – Cath Trott

Monash University – Amanda Karakas

University of New South Wales – Sarah Martell

Macquarie University – Richard McDermid

Workshops and Conference Funding

ASTRO 3D has limited funding for proposals to provide conferences, workshops, training programs and busy weeks and meetings. This may be sponsorship for external events or funding for internally run meetings. A call is made once per year in November, for meetings in the following two calendar years, with a 31 March deadline for applications.


Apply Here


ASTRO 3D has a limited budget to support travel by leading international scientists to collaborate in Centre programs within Australia. There are two types of ASTRO 3D Visitors – Distinguished Visitors and Science Visitors. Application for this funding can be lodged on-line at any time of the year, however, they will only be considered by the Executive Management Committee twice per year:

In May for those applications submitted by 30 April, for visitors proposed between July and December;

In November for those applications submitted by 31 October, for visitors proposed between January and June.


Apply Here

Carer Support

ASTRO 3D provides support, where it is not available directly from the individual’s institution, to ensure that primary carers can participate equitably in ASTRO 3D events and conferences and attend external conferences and/or visit international partner institutions to present ASTRO 3D research or conduct ASTRO 3D related collaborations.


Apply Here