Garry Foran

Garry Foran


Swinburne University of Technology


After working for twenty years in the field of synchrotron radiation and its applications, I was forced by the progress of a degenerative eye condition, for practical and safety reasons, to relinquish many of my professional responsibilities and research activities that demanded working with ionizing radiation and the physical operation of precision instrumentation. In spite of some physical challenges however, I maintain a passion for scientific discovery and by studying astrophysics, am seeking a new direction in which I can continue to learn and engage in leading-edge research: particularly in an area where my extensive experience with electronic and X-ray spectroscopies, optics, detectos, and other instrumentation might find application. As co-authour on more than 100 peer-reviewed papers, a successful track record in securing competitive research grants and extensive experience in facility management and strategic planning, I feel that I still have much to offer and am now undertaking postgraduate study toward the goal of becoming an active and productive member of the astronomy and astrophysics community in Australia

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