Jie Yu

Jie Yu


Australian National University


I am Jie Yu, a research fellow working collaborating with Yuan-Sen Ting at the Australian National University (ANU). My research focus lies in the field of asteroseismology, particularly on red giants, which is a powerful tool for determining stellar properties and understanding internal structure via interpreting their oscillations. Additionally, I am interested in the magnetic activity of stars and its relationship with binary systems and exoplanets. Moreover, I am keen to unravel the mysteries of interstellar reddening and construct three-dimensional dust maps, which are crucial for estimating stellar parameters. I obtained my PhD from the University of Sydney in 2019. After that, I started to work as a postdoctoral research scientist at Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research and Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, both In Germany. I joined ANU in September 2023. I used to serve as an active member of the ESA PLATO space mission. Currently I lead an asteroseismology group for the Chinese Earth 2.0 space mission.

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